Role of Training and Development in Employee Motivation: Tourism and Hospitality Sector

Role of Training and Development in Employee Motivation: Tourism and Hospitality Sector

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1674-0.ch011
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The contemporary hotel industry is facing many challenges that are closely connected to the changes that occur both in the field of tourist demand and tourist supply. The changes refer to the quality of services at first place, since the needs of tourists change rapidly towards higher quality and different products. Having in mind the character of the activities in the hospitality industry where direct contact between employees and guests is necessary for providing and realizing the services, the success of service realization and fulfilling guests' satisfaction depends the most on the employees. The present study aims to explore the issue of staff training in the hospitality sector as an important management activity for improved service quality. This study explores the importance of appropriate employee structure within the process of providing services. Staff training in the hospitality sector is very important for the continuous training of currently employed staff and for new employees as well.
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