Role of Technological Readiness on the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the Accounting Profession: Evidence From a Developing Economy

Role of Technological Readiness on the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the Accounting Profession: Evidence From a Developing Economy

Ratan Ghosh, Asia Khatun
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4176-3.ch008
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The internet of things (IoT) is changing the paradigm in every aspect of human life. IoT embedded with big data is sparking the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in the business field. Subsequently, this study investigates the role of technological readiness in adopting artificial intelligence (AI) in the accounting profession of Bangladesh. To analytically assess the impact of technological readiness on the adoption of AI, four dimensions of technological readiness (TR) have been measured: TR optimism, TR innovativeness, TR discomfort, and TR insecurity. A self-administered closed-ended questionnaire is developed and distributed among the students studying accounting in various public universities in Bangladesh. Six hundred eight responses are recorded and used to test this study's hypothetical relationships. Findings reveal that TR optimism and TR innovativeness have a positive and significant relationship with AI adoption. TR insecurity and TR discomfort have a negative and significant relationship with AI adoption.
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The use of technology is extended to every part of human life. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new addition to this technologically advanced context. AI is a branch of science by which machine intelligence is activated, and those can behave, think, and make decisions like humans according to the logic program in their memory. Accounting and auditing will not be an area where AI cannot be used. According to the World Economic Forum (2015), by 2025, AI will perform 30% of corporate audits. AI has the key potential to change any business environment and performance by using technological advancement. Ucoglu (2020) concluded that new technologies like machine learning and AI make it possible to ease the different tasks that will affect the accountancy and audit profession. AI will act as a connection between transforming traditional information into intelligent systems, which will enhance the computerization and optimization of information systems (Damerji and Salimi, 2021). Data security, bug-free information systems, and automation are AI's main applications and advantages.

AI allows the corporation to use a systematic information system that accelerates the strategic decision-making process (Turluev and Hadjieva, 2021). However, information will play a vital role in uncovering opportunities and challenges for a corporation. By effectively analyzing the stated information, the company can increase its business performance. Moreover, the acceptability of AI is confined to accounting and auditing and marketing strategy planning, financial decision-making, production planning, and many more (Yawalkar, 2019). In human resource management, hiring, recruiting, and managing staff training are repetitive and tedious. It can be easily sorted out by implementing AI in the human resource department (Yawalkar, 2019)

The job environment is the external environment that shapes an area of continuous change as employers demand. As this era is for technological advancement, employers expect this advanced and updated knowledge of technology and technological skills to be available among the students (Cory and Pruske, 2012; Stoner, 2009). To cope with this technological advancement, universities should take some initiatives to adopt AI and machine learning in their curricula. As different accounting firms invest more in AI and machine learning (Kokina & Davenport, 2017; Ucoglu, 2020), students need to update themselves with this technological skill to optimize their future career goals. However, the existing accounting curricula lack this AI-related knowledge, resulting in lower technological knowledge and skills among the accounting students (Damerji and Salimi, 2021).

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