Role of Social Media in the Digital Transformation of Business

Role of Social Media in the Digital Transformation of Business

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7450-1.ch004
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A digital transformation endeavor is the use of technology and digital processes to enhance business operations and consumer experiences. These projects frequently include the use of new technology like social media platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), and analytics, as well as the execution of digital processes like cloud computing, omnichannel commerce, data analytics, and automation. An organization needs to integrate digital transformation initiatives into its current systems if it wants to stay current with the rapidly evolving technology landscape of today. Social media is now an essential part of contemporary life, and businesses are increasingly using it to connect with their clients and other stakeholders. To take advantage of social media's huge potential, businesses are incorporating it into their digital transformation initiatives.
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A comprehensive digital transformation can significantly boost an organization's performance. Due to growing competition, client demand, and technology improvements, organizations are being driven to operate with a great deal more innovation and agility than ever before. Industry leaders from a variety of sectors are now using digital innovation and creativity to develop, and social media is one of their most successful strategies for achieving digital success. In 2021, digital transformation continued as a prominent topic in marketing, and for good reason. According to IFS analysis indicates that throughout the epidemic, 70% of firms increased or maintained their investment in digital transformation. The plans of 58% of enterprises that haven't yet started their transformation projects will be expedited by Covid-19. Even yet, it's important to consider what digital transformation includes before marketers rush to tick the box (Verhoef, 2021). It is a synthesis of all aspects of a business and contemporary digital technologies. Any firm, no matter how big or little, needs to undergo a digital transformation if it wants to survive and thrive in the contemporary business environment. Research studies, conventional news outlets, and online pieces have all utilized the phrase “digital transformation” in diverse situations. However, several corporate executives are still unaware of what it means to digitally change a corporation (The enterpriser's Project, 2023). According to some CEOs, the phrase “digital transformation” has become so overused that it is no longer relevant. It is challenging to communicate because digital transformation covers a wide range of topics.

It will vary from one business to the next; there is no such thing as a universal digital transformation. Using social media to increase digital visibility could be part of firm A's digital transformation. The digital transformation of firm B, however, can involve improving operations processes through robotics technology. The extent of your company's change has gone through several stages as well. It is best to start converting your organization as soon as you can, regardless of stage, to avoid being eliminated from the competition by natural selection (Tripathi, 2021). Nevertheless, no matter where you are in the process, it is better to start changing your organization as soon as you can to avoid being eliminated by natural selection. Utilizing social media for digital exposure may be a part of firm A's digital transformation. However, firm B's digital transformation may involve improving its operational systems using robotics. How far a business has come in its transition has also gone through several stages. No of the stage, it is preferable to start transforming the organization as soon as it can avoid being eliminated by natural selection (Argüelles, Cortés, Ramirez, & Bustamante, 2021)

One of the most important forums for feedback in the modern world is social media. Globally, more than 3.6 billion people use social media every day, and by 2025, that figure is expected to reach 4.41 billion. And when 4.41 billion people can offer real-time feedback on your modifications and initiatives, it's simpler to evolve more quickly. What about the businesses that creates the technology then? They are aware of this as well. A corporation can maintain its business plan current by incorporating social media into its digital transformation and basing it on customer feedback (Hai, Van, & Thi Tuyet, 2021).

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