Role of Information and Communication Technology in the Digitalization of Violence and Sexual Politics in the Indian Scenario

Role of Information and Communication Technology in the Digitalization of Violence and Sexual Politics in the Indian Scenario

Rabindra Kumar Verma, Ashish Kumar Gupta
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8893-5.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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The latter half of the 20th century witnessed rapid growth in the domain of science and technology especially information and communication technology (ICT). The impact of ICT can easily be seen in the different domains of humans like science, education, professional career, culture, and politics, explicitly and implicitly or negatively. There are different types of digital violence exercised against women. Some of the forms range from hacking, controlling, or manipulating information, doxing, dissemination of intimate photos or private information, use of spyware, surveillance, faking identity, cyberbullying like posting or sharing embarrassing or threatening pictures, defamation, harassment, stalking in the form of sending online unsolicited or unwanted sex-based materials, and rape threats. The chapter attempts to explore role of the digital technology and online platforms as intermediaries in rendering gender-based violence, digitalization of gender-based violence, verbal or nonverbal sexual assaults, and online sexual politics to prolong women's subjection in India.
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A widely acknowledged definition of cyberbullying characterizes it as a purposeful and aggressive act or behavior, executed by an individual or a group, utilizing electronic means of communication consistently and over an extended duration. The target of cyberbullying often faces significant challenges in defending themselves against these acts of aggression (Smith, 2013). It is crucial to recognize the various mediums and tactics employed in cyberbullying to fully comprehend its impact and develop effective strategies to combat this form of harassment.

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