Role of Electronics Devices for E-Health in Smart Cities

Role of Electronics Devices for E-Health in Smart Cities

Davinder Singh Rathee, Kiran Ahuja, Tadesse Hailu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8085-0.ch009
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As the world's population ages, those suffering from diseases will increase. Researchers in electronics, computer, networking, and medical fields need to work more seriously to make the broad vision of smart healthcare/e-health system. To achieve the objectives of e-healthcare in smart cities, there is a need to create new system that allows the acquisition of health information smartly, automatically, and transparently in order to take efficient decisions provided by the supporting system. Such systems may be designed technically by embedded together communication, smart signals, internet of things, network of sensors.
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In present scenario developments of smart cities are in early stages (Maldague et al, 2001) mainly in terms of traffic management and pollution control (Modest et al, 2013; Vollmer et al, 2011), water management system (Zissis et al, 1978), public Wi-Fi, historical heritage perseveration (Gaussorgues et al, 1994). Also, IoT entering into every aspect of life i.e. health care, industrial control, security, building health and in emergency services (Holler et al, 2014; Kortuem et al, 2010; Romer et al, 2010; Guinard et al, 2010). Due to the impact of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies), smart cities can be imagined. Where most of the services are based on monitoring of different variables via sensors in order to extract and analyze useful information (“Orchestrating infrastructure”, n.d.) for applications like monitoring of pollutions, traffic control, water supply, public Wi-Fi, library database, power management (“Smart cities”, n.d; Nasirudin et al, 2011; Leccese et al, 2014). In this chapter, our main concentration is on new health care system which may not only promise for attractive applications for health monitoring like elderly care, the fitness of individuals, remote health monitoring i.e. B.P sugar etc. seamlessly and also suggest treatment and medication at the user end. To build such system undoubtedly researcher in the field of electronics, ICT and medical field need to work out more seriously in order to make the broad vision of smart e-health system. So, there is a need of diagnostic and imaging devices, sensors having the capability to connect with the cloud for providing health care services at reduced cost to increase the quality of life (Vasanth et al, n.d.). Additionally, here main concentration is on health monitoring for human, animals, and machines in smart cities using Infrared thermography (IRT) (“ISTAG”, 2013). The basic principle to collect the information is capturing of radiations emitting from the object under investigation (Meola et al, 2012). IRT has many applications in the field of medicine, maintenance and process monitoring (Gorostiza et al, 2011), electrical as well as mechanical maintenance in order to avoid costly breakdowns (Lahiri et al, 2012). Fault detection is confirmed due to abnormal patterns of temperature measurement especially in electrical equipment (Purohit et al, 2008). Also, excessive fraction may be noticeable in case of mechanical equipment.

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