Role of Diversity and Inclusion on Employee Performance Evaluation: Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Role of Diversity and Inclusion on Employee Performance Evaluation: Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4042-4.ch011
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In today's ever-evolving workforce landscape, fostering diversity and inclusion has become paramount for organizational success. Using organizational behaviour theories, the chapter analyses the impact of diversity and inclusion on the fairness and effectiveness of these evaluations. The research draws on literature and case studies to provide a comprehensive understanding of how diversity initiatives interact with performance appraisal practices in this sector, addressing a gap in existing knowledge. The study explores how inclusivity can enhance fairness and improve performance reviews by studying complex relations between various forces affecting a diverse workforce dynamics and evaluations for work done. Moreover, this chapter emphasizes comprehensive strategies that recognize and appreciate public sector organization diversities through theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence. Diversity as well as inclusion should be integrated with the appraisal process to make employees more passionate at work, more motivated, and more productive.
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The hospitality industry operates on a global level; hence, the diverse needs and expectations of customers around the world. For any player to successful in such a dynamic and diverse industry, its workforce has to mirror the same diversity. More importantly, D&I policies are not only vital to a friendly work environment, but they also raise creativity, improve guest experience, and enhance robust economic performance. According to a 2020 McKinsey & Company report, companies with high diversity show 33% better financial performance than others. Thus, there is definitely value in D&I. The resulting D&I commitment in hospitality enables the enrichment how guests manifest their preferences as well as the service amenities to be more customized to the respective cultural differences, ultimately increasing complexity in the field. However, while this heterogeneity can be addressed through performance evaluation, implementing these assessments effectively is a more challenging endeavour. Traditional approaches include one-time-a-year questionnaires and lack measurement performance appraisals where biased interpretative communication biases and other escalating concerns prevail (Bhalla et al., 2023; Singh and Singh, 2024; Singh, 2024; Singh, 2015; Singh and Kumar, 2022; Singh and Hassan, 2024; Singh and Bathla, 2023). Employees may be discouraged and not engaged; the results may be erroneous, leading the ultimate potential of the diverse team to be wasted. The basic four type of Diversity Factors are Internal Diversity, External diversity, Organizational diversity & Worldview diversity. These are the types of diversities we will make use in the base of our study in this chapter. We will look into Embracing diversity enhances decision making, problem-solving & organizational success. Eliminating biases, encouraging fairness, and providing equal opportunities are also essential (Singh and Hassan, 2024). This chapter reviews significant conventions and standards concerning Employee Performance Evaluation, D&I regarding the hospitality business, and their usefulness. As demonstrated by several conducted research, well-constructed and planned performance appraisal systems enhance employee fulfilment and self-assurance. It discusses how such criteria may be integrated and tailored to identify and assess the contributions of various personnel (Ambardar and Singh, 2017; Ambardar et al., 2022; Bhalla et al., 2023; Singh and Singh, 2024; Singh, 2024; Singh, 2015; Singh and Kumar, 2022; Singh and Bathla,2023; Singh and Hassan, 2024).

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity encompasses a wide range of unique qualities found within a group or organization, such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, and physical abilities. It acknowledges and appreciates these distinctions, promoting a diverse and dynamic atmosphere that encourages a multitude of perspectives and life experiences to thrive. On the contrary, inclusion aims to establish an environment that is open, considerate, and appreciative to all individuals, regardless of their distinctions. It surpasses merely recognizing diversity; it actively endeavours to guarantee equal chances for everyone and fosters a feeling of acceptance. Inclusive settings promote teamwork, originality, and progress by embracing and utilizing the distinctive abilities of each person.

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