Role of ChatGPT in Smart Cities

Role of ChatGPT in Smart Cities

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6824-4.ch010
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In smart cities, generative artificial intelligence (AI) models such as ChatGPT have become revolutionary tools in many respects, chiefly due to their ability to process and communicate natural language. These artificial intelligence (AI) systems have greatly enhanced communication and problem-solving skills, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in a variety of fields, including healthcare, education, environmental monitoring, public health, smart grid management, traffic management, citizen engagement, environmental monitoring, and environmental monitoring. This study looks at ChatGPT's and similar Generative AI's changing role in smartcity contexts. It highlights the need for ethical frameworks and regulatory rules by examining the difficulties in putting them into practice. Concurrently, it highlights the enormous potential these technologies provide, from promoting inclusivity to igniting innovation, forming a future in which artificial intelligence augments human capabilities and fosters peaceful coexistence between sentient machines and people.
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A smart city, at its foundation, is an urban area that uses the Internet of Things (IoT) and data-driven technology to enhance many facets of city life. These communities hope to give their residents a smooth and sustainable living environment by incorporating state-of-the-art technology into their infrastructure.

Natural language inquiries can be understood and answered using ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence program that is language-based. It has the ability to comprehend intricate instructions and queries and to respond with precision and speed. Because it helps cities to manage their operations more effectively and respond to citizen requests promptly, it is a crucial tool for smart city initiatives.

Renewable energies and sustainable development are becoming more and more important in smart city and urban development. In order to achieve this, artificial intelligence (AI) applications are becoming more popular. The use of natural language processing (NLP) in smart cities and sustainable urban development is being completely transformed by OpenAI's ChatGPT tool. The creation of more sustainable and effective cities is made possible by the usage of this technology. Urban planners may create conversational interfaces that help people understand the requirements of their communities—both present and future—by utilizing ChatGPT. ChatGPT is transforming the planning and administration of cities. Cities may use this technology to improve the quality of life for its residents while simultaneously becoming more sustainable and efficient. ChatGPT is certain to play a significant role in urban planning and development as long as cities embrace sustainable development and green activities.

ChatGPT's ability to deliver rapid access to coherent information makes it an excellent tool for public sector offices in urban areas, where wait times for information sharing and delivery to residents can be greatly decreased. Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has the potential to be used in the city's healthcare industry by answering clinical-related questions. This can be a very useful tool when it comes to research-based inquiries. 1

Generative AI may also be subject to a high degree of error or false information, depending on the kind of data it is trained on.

Large Language Models (LLMs) had a major breakthrough with the release of the new GPT model. We integrated the model with Bing's back-end capabilities after seeing the possibility of improving user experience, relevance, and accuracy. Prometheus, an inventive AI model, was developed as a result of this integration. It combines the sophisticated GPT models from OpenAI with the exhaustive Bing index, rating, and answer outcomes in a novel way (Roose, K., 2022).

Growth of ChatGPT

Customers' opinions of ChatGPT were not quite unanimous over the first six weeks of the experiment. According to Roose, these are some of the best publicly accessible computational intelligence tools((Roose, K., 2022). There are many who contend that ChatGPT's capacity to impact decision-making arises from users' capacity to provide automated reactions via the app (Nazir A. et al,2023).On the other hand, according to (Krugman, P., 2022), ChatGPT may have an impact on the requirement for intellectual labor.(Lock, S., 2022). concurs with this viewpoint as well, given that ChatGPT may produce literature that seems to have been created by humans.

ChatGPT in Smart City Domains

ChatGPT can be quite useful in smart cities. As a sophisticated and interactive communication interface for a range of services and applications, some of the domains that are commonly used to categorize smart city components and application sectors, and they help to illustrate the broad landscape that emerged when analyzing the role of chatGPT in smartcities.

Figure 1.

Smart city domains


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