Role of Blockchain in Security of 6G Networks

Role of Blockchain in Security of 6G Networks

Shikha Garg, Sonia Goyal, Abhinav Bhandari
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3804-6.ch008
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Over the last decade, the demand for faster data rates has fueled the rapid growth of wireless communication systems that introduce the concept of new wireless technologies such as 6G or beyond 6G. The world is going through an ultimate transformation with the arrival of the intelligent information era. It integrates 6G, internet of things (IoT), blockchain, and other techniques to address the issues and challenges faced by 6G networks. Although an IoT-enabled application is crucial in this case, it faces security, privacy, latency, and reliability issues. The 6G networks can accommodate various heterogeneous devices and infrastructure to provide ultra-high data rates, high reliability, low latency, and secure communication processes. Motivated from these facts, this chapter explores the role of blockchain in addressing security and privacy issues in 6G networks and future application prospects and research objectives.
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6G wireless communication technology is currently one of the most in-demand research areas. Personal life, business, society, and communication systems will all be revolutionized by 6G. It's critical to consider the possible applications, use cases, methodologies, issues, and challenges of 6g networks. The 5G technology has yet to be fully deployed globally. Furthermore, there are various security issues in 5G technology to overcome. Thus, it inspired us to explore the security issues and challenges of 6G technology. Noteworthy, 6G technology will create many research possibilities and facilitate several new technologies.

Furthermore, the 6G will be demonstrated to be a paradigm shifter in a variety of industries. As a result, creating a vision for 6G technology is required to alter the present world. Nevertheless, 5G and Beyond 5G (B5G) will not meet all of the Internet of Everything's requirements (IoE). As a result, there is a tremendous demand for 6G. Researchers have already addressed the issues of B5G mobile communication. It expects that 6G will be completely operational by 2030. For the next 10 to 25 years, 6G will be the most critical research topic. Many nations have already begun their research projects on 6G networks. The researchers have started solving the challenges of 6G mobile communication such as THz frequency, minimum end-to-end delay, reliability, capacity, global coverage, security, and many more. The “6genesis flagship project” is the 6G research project that started in Finland in 2018. 6G project was launched by China, the USA, and South Korea in 2019 (Dang, 2020). In 2020, Japan also introduced the 6G project. Also, Japanese telecommunications company Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (NTT) had presented a white paper in January 2020.

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