Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Agile Project Management

Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Agile Project Management

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3318-1.ch012
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Artificial intelligence (AI) transforms agile project management (APM) by enhancing efficiency and decision-making but poses challenges like job displacement, bias, and data privacy concerns. This study reconnoiters AI types, including rule-based AI, machine learning (ML), neural networks, and their APM applications: chatbots, image recognition, and predictive analytics. Prospects show AI's potential benefits and hurdles. Upholding ethical development is crucial for AI's secure, beneficial integration in APM, ensuring alignment with societal values while advancing technology responsibly. The study further presents the benefits of AI in the APM, followed by the challenges. It is crucial to consider AI's implications and guarantee that its development and deployment are ethical, secure, and beneficial for everyone. Finally, the future of AI in the APM is categorically presented. As AI continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly bring benefits and challenges, and it is essential to develop AI responsibly in a way that aligns with ethical values and protects individual rights.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has developed as a transformative technology in the digital era, impacting various aspects of our lives, including work, entertainment, and communication. The advancements in AI have opened up new possibilities for automation, data analysis, and decision-making, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in various industries (Koch et al., 2023). Still, incorporating AI in the APM1 presents difficulties, including employment displacement, bias, moral issues, data protection, and security. Rule-based AI, machine learning (ML) AI, and neural network AI are some of the diverse varieties of technologies, and each has specific uses in various fields (Lei et al., 2024).

AI is becoming increasingly common in contemporary culture, with several applications in industries like customer service, banking, healthcare, and transportation. The potential of AI in the APM to automate tasks and increase productivity and efficiency is one of its significant advantages (Shafik et al., 2021). AI, for instance, can automate routine jobs, freeing staff members to concentrate on more complicated duties that call for imagination and critical thinking (Marnewick, 2023). AI can also analyze enormous volumes of data and spot patterns humans might have missed, enhancing forecasting and decision-making.

Even though AI has many advantages, it also presents several problems in the APM. Workforce transformation and job displacement are two of the biggest problems. Some operations may disappear due to AI automation, in which case the workforce ought to adapt to new positions (Binci et al., 2023; Shafik, 2024a). Concerns about prejudice and ethics are also present since AI algorithms may reflect the biases of their designers and produce unfair results. Moreover, AI poses data security and privacy issues because businesses must ensure that client data is safeguarded and not misused (Abdullah et al., 2023). With improvements in AI technology, greater acceptance, and possible effects on society and the economy, the future of AI in the digital era looks bright. It is crucial to approach AI development responsibly, giving individual rights and ethical considerations a top priority (Augner et al., 2023).

Government agencies, business operatives, and academic institutions are all involved in several efforts in using AI. Governments, for instance, fund AI research and development to foster innovation and economic development while simultaneously creating rules and policies to guarantee that AI development is in line with moral principles and protects individual rights (Shafik, 2024a; Olszewski, 2023). Industry participants are also creating ethical frameworks and standards for the creation and application of AI, encouraging openness and responsibility. Academic institutions are investigating the moral implications of AI and creating curricula and training programs for anyone who wants to work in the field (Chahal, 2023). Recognizing AI's possible hazards and difficulties, such as job displacement, bias, and privacy problems, is crucial. Ensuring AI is created and used correctly is crucial, as is prioritizing individual rights and ethical principles (Jafari et al., 2023).

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