Role and Impact of Social Media in Tourism for Women Entrepreneurs: A Study on Family Business Women Entrepreneurs

Role and Impact of Social Media in Tourism for Women Entrepreneurs: A Study on Family Business Women Entrepreneurs

Noor E. Eman, Kamran Ali Jamshed, Basheer M. Al-Ghazali, Samrah Jamshaid, Azzam Inayatullah Shamsi, Nikhar E. Kainat
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8417-3.ch009
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Recently, social media's role in tourism for women entrepreneurs has garnered attention. This study examines how social media affects the travel industry for women who run family businesses. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are essential resources for travel industry women business owners, according to research. When women use social media to promote their businesses, they gain visibility, customers, and sales. The study also emphasises the importance of social media-based online communities in reducing cultural barriers and promoting women travel business owners. Social media users are more likely to be successful entrepreneurs, which affects women tourism business owners. It's important to recognise and support women tourism business owners, who promote growth, economic stability, and social well-being. This study examines how women tourism entrepreneurs use social media and how it affects their businesses. This information can help other women entrepreneurs use social media effectively and policymakers and industry stakeholders support women-owned tourism businesses.
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There is a growing trend among businesses to use social media to advertise their products and services, and the tourism sector is not an exception to this. The operations of the tourism sector have been significantly altered as a result of the major impact that social media has had on the industry. As a result, new opportunities have emerged for women and men entrepreneurs in family companies to reach a wider audience. According to Kim, Lee, and Yoo (2015), the use of social media has changed the ways in which tourists get information, discuss their trip experiences, and make decisions on their travel plans. This article's objective is to study the role of social media in the tourist industry and its influence on female family business entrepreneurs. Women now make up around 54 percent of the workforce in the tourism and hospitality industries, as reported by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which indicates that the number of women participating in tourism is growing. Also, the tourism industry is home to a sizeable number of family businesses that are run by women entrepreneurs, many of whom are involved in management roles. These female business owners face a number of challenges, such as restricted access to financial resources, restricted exposure on the global market, and insufficient attempts to promote their products and services. But, the platforms for social media have made it possible for them to sell their company, display their wares, and engage with customers who are considering making a purchase from them. According to Buhalis and Law (2008), small firms can sell their products, build their brand image, and communicate with their customers by using social media platforms because these platforms offer a low-cost platform with a high-impact potential. This study has evaluated the influence that social media has had on female business owners operating family businesses within the tourism industry. Particular attention will be paid to the marketing strategies that are utilised by tourism businesses. In addition to this, the study will analyse the challenges that are experienced by female business owners, as well as the opportunities that social media presents for addressing these challenges. The research will use a combination of methodologies, such as questionnaires and in-person interviews with women who own family businesses as part of its methodology. Social media has made it possible for women entrepreneurs in family businesses to overcome challenges and promote their companies, despite challenges such as limited access to cash and resources, cultural and societal biases, a lack of exposure to global markets, and insufficient promotional activities. It is essential to conduct additional research into the role of social media in assisting women entrepreneurs in the tourism business and their coping mechanisms in this challenging environment as we navigate the current pandemic and its influence on the tourism sector. Customers can be reached, brand awareness raised, and sales leads produced all through social media. Equally as important, it facilitates communication between customers and the women business owners who serve them. Businesses can benefit from using social media to handle concerns and complaints raised by customers in real time, which can also help them retain positive relationships with those customers and improve their reputation. This is of utmost significance in the tourist sector, since the happiness of one's clients is essential to one's financial success.

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