Robotic Process Automation in the Medical Sector

Robotic Process Automation in the Medical Sector

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7193-7.ch005
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Robotic process automation (RPA) is a new technology that aims to automate repetitive and regular human processes. Numerous chronic patients have perished as a consequence of inappropriate drug delivery. While the hospital meals and drugs may provide enough amounts of energy and nutrition, many patients fail to take their medications on time, which worsens their condition. In this work a detailed discussion about the adoption of RPA in the medicine sector is discussed. The comparison of RPA and traditional IT-based automation has been made, and the benefits of RPA have been mentioned. The challenges faced while involving automation in the medical sector have been elaborated, and proper solutions have been suggested. Finally, an automated pill delivery system for patients that will notify the patient when it is time to take their medicine and provide the necessary number of pills has been proposed.
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Robotic Process Automation In Theory And Application

Organizations may automate processes across apps and systems using RPA (Robotic Process Automation), much as a person would. Transferring process execution from people to bots is the goal of RPA. There is no need for complicated system integration when using robotic process automation to communicate with the current IT infrastructure.

Workflow, infrastructure, and back-office procedures that need a lot of manual labor may be automated by RPA. These computer programs can communicate with internal applications, websites, user portals, etc. The software used for robotic process automation runs on the computer, laptop, or mobile device of the end user. It is a series of instructions that are carried out by bots in accordance with a set of established business rules (Enríquez et al., 2020).

Robotic process automation's primary objective is to replace the monotonous and repetitive clerical labor done by people with a virtual workforce. RPA automation does not need the creation of new code or direct access to the applications' code or database.

The following essential features are required for RPA software solutions, according to Forrester: using low-code to create automation scripts integration with business software administration, orchestration, setup, monitoring, and security With the use of front-end connectors, automation technologies like RPA may also access data from older systems while blending seamlessly with other applications. This enables the automation platform to function like a human employee, carrying out mundane operations like logging in and copying and pasting data across systems. RPA's actual value lies in its rapid and straightforward front-end connectors, even while back-end connectivity to databases and business web services also helps with automation (Flechsig, Lomar, and Lasch, 2019). Methodology for Implementing RPA Planning RPA Implementation Techniques, The procedures that you intend to automate must be identified at this step.

Figure 1.

RPA implementation methodology


Implementing RPA in the best possible way:

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