Risk of Hypertension During Development in Information Technology: An Explanatory Essay on Understanding of Increasing Hypertension With Growing Time

Risk of Hypertension During Development in Information Technology: An Explanatory Essay on Understanding of Increasing Hypertension With Growing Time

Shagufta Naz, Wajeeha Salamat, Saima Sharif
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7366-5.ch036
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The advancement in information technology is the need of time, and its importance cannot be ignored. People can do online shopping, pay bills, and buy groceries in just a few minutes. Lifestyle patterns and mentalities of people have also changed. People are fascinated by information technology, but it cannot deny the importance of health-related issues. From past to current time, the rate of hypertension has greatly increased. It is reported that by 2050 there will be one quarter of people affected with hypertension. Hypertension is not just a disease, but it may cause several other diseases like cardiovascular disease and renal disorder. There are several risk factors for hypertension including lifestyle, age, marital status, employment, cardiovascular (CV) complications, obesity, work history, and physical activity. The people demand ease from the developing world with little activity; they should also increase physical activity. Proper diagnosis of hypertension and taking proper treatment steps can reduce its prevalence.
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Internet based technology has a great attraction in people lives. Now the people solve majority of their issues in no time. They can transfer money, purchase grocery or order any medicine by using information technology. The lives of people are no longer so tough regarding the facilities. But unfortunately, people cannot purchase health. In this modern era, people have to take care of their blood pressure level. The force which is exerted by blood against the wall of blood arteries is called blood pressure. (Yatabe et al., 2020). The blood arteries are major blood vessel in body. Hypertension (HTN) is the disease that occurs when blood pressure is too high in the body. (Stassen et al., 2018). In the light of national high blood pressure education program, hypertension measurement will be from two or more readings of systolic or diastolic blood pressure as taken by sphygmomanometer. The reading is measured above 95th percentile for gender, height and age on three different times of the day as hypertension cannot be measured by a single reading. High mortality due to hypertension is due to its silently killing of patients. (Nasarudin et al., 2016).

Hypertension is the world's largest cause of death. (Ravinder., 2015). There is a great need of telemedicine intervention (Hoffer et al 2021). Children are much fascinated in using information technology, no doubt it can take revolution in their mind level but their health condition should also be monitored. (Baracco et al., 2020;Gupta et al., 2018). Hypertension (HTN) is also known as “silent killer” as it remain undiagnosed for a long time. People also give no attention to monitor it, when it is developing. Due to lack of symptoms it is estimated that there will be one quarter of people with hypertension in 2050. (Kearney et al., 2015). It affects nervous system, blood vessels and circulatory system. (Stassaen et al., 2018).

Hypertension has two types as primary and secondary hypertension. Primary or essential hypertension remains unknown in people and its risk is 95% in adults. In near future its rate will be alarming. The secondary hypertension is due to some cause that can be investigated like renal cause. It is more common in children as compared to adults. (Baracco et al., 2020;Gupta et al., 2018). Hypertension is not negligible in rural areas as their life style is also not ideal. The people living in rural areas also face many tensions like stress of larger family size, sedentary lifestyle of females (housewives) in development of hypertension. (Fawwad et al, 2019).

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