Rise and Fall of Digital Activism in Mexico From 2000-2019

Rise and Fall of Digital Activism in Mexico From 2000-2019

Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3706-3.ch077
(Individual Chapters)
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Political activism is more alive than ever. After the scandal of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, online social media platforms restricted the distribution of content to privacy laws. But populism disruption in many countries fosters political discontent. Online protests and everyday claims are rising. Add to this context environmental problems and an absence of an ideological framework. All these conditions foster the use of digital activism. But this field of research has studied single cases, losing connections with societies and history. The aim of this chapter is to explain the evolution of digital activism in a long period of time. To achieve such purpose, the author analyzes 11 Mexican events that took place from 2000 to 2019 and provide a classification framework to understand how digital activism transforms over time.
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The new political battleground is political activism. Traditional politics on the streets and public buildings are evolving into social media platforms and the more frequent use of YouTube, WhatsApp, or Instagram. The strange combination of politics online and politics offline is changing the scope of political relations around the globe.

At different levels, each country deals with its own political activism. Some are still using stream media; some others prefer social media. The problem of dealing with all of these changes is that they are happening simultaneously and very fast.

The purpose of this section is intended to study the evolution of political activism and cyberactivism through their theoretical frameworks and different scholars. Here we can find three subsections: political activism, slacktivism, and cyberactivism, which transforms into digital activism.

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