Rigorous Study of Core Concepts and Technologies of AI-Based Wireless Networking and Cloud Computing With Their Role in Smart Agriculture During Pandemics

Rigorous Study of Core Concepts and Technologies of AI-Based Wireless Networking and Cloud Computing With Their Role in Smart Agriculture During Pandemics

Kapil Joshi, Pooja Joshi, Sudhani Verma
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7348-1.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Today's cloud is a frequently used global technology that shifts local network content to network centric content, where huge quantities of data processing are performed on powerful computational farms and accessed via the internet. This technical reality uses the metered service for accessing the resource and distinct data centres. The purpose of this work is to present a fundamental review concept of cloud computing where we have mentioned its key characteristic, services, and deployment models. The authors have also looked into how quickly COVID-19 accelerates the market. They attempted to decipher the concept of virtualization approach through the chapter, which is widely acceptable. How cloud computing technology is beneficial over conventional farming is also highlighted. Here they have also focused on cloud computing applications, trends, and the most recent adoption challenges employed in different sectors.
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Technology arrives with perfect timing get favourable outcomes and success, on the other side innovation pop up at the wrong time leads failure for example in 2001, Microsoft tablet PC was launched with extremely high hope but didn’t get commercial success as like Apple’s iPad which get runway success because its touchscreen technology was so natural and worked smoothly with almost every app. Apple designed its touchscreen OS when everything was already in place and succeeded the tablet market as its timing was not too early nor too late. Everything in this planet has its time to evolve, grow, get mature, terminate or replaced by novel or younger, same things happen to technology also (Gralla, 2021). Many IT firms, small and medium-sized digital organizations, industries, academic institutions, and government agencies are now selling, utilizing, and satisfying the needs of users by providing a wide range of cloud-based services. As per modern context, the term “cloud computing “was firstly coined on August 9, 2006, by Eric Schmidt, then Google CEO (MIT Technology Review, 2021). On September 2011 NIST (National Institute Of Technology), Gaithersburg, published a report on computer system technology where it stated the definition of cloud computing (CC) as “Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction (Samarati et al., 2016). Cloud computing’s primary concept is to process a vast amount of data quickly and efficiently using enormous farms having storage and computing resources, and then internet can be used to access these resource pools (Doras.dcu.ie, 2021). Figure 1 depicts The basic cloud computing notion is that various remote computer resources or cloud services applications are accessible via secure internet connections and can be accessed through the cloud.

Figure 1.

Cloud computing idea and networking components

Source: Chandrasekaran (2014)

Essential Characteristics of Wireless Networking

  • 1.

    On demand self-service

The end user selects and uses the desired resource or services like network storage, server time, network node, licensed software etc. according to its requirement with the help of interface, without relying on human interaction or expertise.

  • 2.

    Broad network access

It makes the availability of resources on cloud so that it can be accessed by multiple devices like PCs, Tablets, thin -thick client, and smart phones. There is necessity of appropriate network because resources are geographically distributed.

  • 3.

    Resource pooling

Multiple clients can use cloud computing environment, which provides temporary and scalable services and dynamically assigns virtual and real resources based on user demand.

  • 4.

    Measured services

Cloud computing has metering capabilities to control and monitor the resource usage. Any type of services are measured services, users pay what they use.Cloud computing has capacity to scale resources up and down in response to user demand. Cloud should be competent to satisfy the demand of customer weather its necessity is little or immense. For an instance, to run a particular simulation user requires 4 GB RAM, later requirement enhances up to 8GB when while running the things, so user should be able to provision it rapidly.

  • 5.


In cloud computing, shared resources are pooled somewhere and multiple consumers called tenants can use the same resource from there.

There are various computing trends that make CC a reality. It’s nothing like cloud computing exist from day one or all of sudden. As we find that all the inventions or any kind of technical development primarily come up because of some requirement or necessity of scientific community and general citizen at large. Earlier, computing was systematized for public usage like water and electricity, etc. There is different computing paradigm (specially embraced by many IT companies like Oracle, HP, IBM, Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft) these are the driving force for CC. In upcoming section different computing stages have been discussed very precisely (Chandrasekaran, 2014).

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