Revolutionizing Warehouse Management With Image Processing: A Review of Current Trends and Future Directions

Revolutionizing Warehouse Management With Image Processing: A Review of Current Trends and Future Directions

K. N. Anantha Subramanya Iyer, S. Mahalakshmi, S. Hemanth Kumar, Anitha Nallasivam, C. Selvaraj
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8618-4.ch025
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The future directions and current trends of warehouse management using image processing techniques are thoroughly reviewed in this chapter. The chapter starts off with a summary of warehouse management and the function of image processing methods in analyzing and deciphering images from warehouse environments. It also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of popular image processing methods. The following section of the essay looks at current developments in image processing-based warehouse management, including the methods employed and the advantages of this approach. The potential for combining image processing with other cutting-edge technologies is also investigated, including cloud computing and the internet of things (IoT). The conclusion of the chapter discusses the opportunities and challenges of applying image processing techniques to warehouse management.
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1. Introduction

Warehouse management has become increasingly complex due to the growth of e-commerce and the demand for faster and more accurate order fulfilment (Godavarthi et al., 2017). In response to these challenges, image processing technology has emerged as a promising solution to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of warehouse management. Image processing involves the use of algorithms and techniques to extract useful information from digital images (Awan et al., 2021). These images can be captured by cameras or sensors installed in the warehouse. The application of image processing in warehouse management is not new, but recent advancements in technology have enabled more sophisticated and efficient methods. For example, object recognition and tracking algorithms can be used to identify and locate items in a warehouse, while augmented reality and virtual reality can be used to optimize warehouse layouts and improve employee training (Anuradha et al., 2021). Image processing can also be integrated with other technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing, to enable real-time tracking and analysis of inventory and order data (Godavarthi et al., 2017).

Image processing can help automate several warehouse management tasks, which can save time and reduce errors. One such task is inventory management, which is critical for efficient warehouse operations. Traditional inventory management systems rely on manual data entry, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. Image processing technology can help automate this process by using cameras or sensors to capture images of products, which can then be processed using object recognition algorithms to identify and track inventory levels (Zhao et al., 2021). Another area where image processing can have a significant impact is order picking. Order picking involves selecting and retrieving items from the warehouse based on customer orders. This task can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially in large warehouses with a vast number of products. Image processing can help automate this process by using cameras or sensors to identify and locate products, which can then be used to guide workers to the correct locations within the warehouse (Xu et al., 2020).

Image processing can also help improve warehouse safety. For example, cameras can be used to monitor the movement of equipment, such as forklifts, and alert workers if they are in danger of colliding with one another. Cameras can also be used to monitor workers and identify potential safety hazards, such as workers not wearing the proper safety gear (Liu et al., 2021). Image processing technology has the potential to revolutionize warehouse management by improving efficiency, accuracy, and safety. Recent advancements in technology have enabled more sophisticated and efficient methods for using image processing in warehouse management. Integration with other technologies, such as IoT and cloud computing, can further enhance the benefits of image processing. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that image processing will become even more prevalent in warehouse management, leading to increased productivity and cost savings for businesses.

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