Revolutionizing Responsible Tourism: Cutting-Edge Technological Advances in Geotagging

Revolutionizing Responsible Tourism: Cutting-Edge Technological Advances in Geotagging

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3286-3.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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The introduction of geotagging has transformed the tourism industry, impacting environmental conservation, social engagement, and economic development. Through GPS-enabled devices, augmented reality applications, social media networks, and more, tourists and stakeholders can enhance experiences and support responsible tourism practices. Geotagging can contribute significantly to biodiversity conservation, sustainable management, and environmental education, fostering a deeper appreciation for nature. Sociologically, it can promote community connection, cultural preservation, and tourist safety. Economically, it can boost revenue generation, marketing, and infrastructure development. Challenges include privacy concerns, data security risks, and the digital divide, which need addressing through prioritizing data protection and closing the digital gap. Future research should focus on enhancing geotagging tools, exploring blockchain and AI, and ensuring ethical use of geotagged data, thus propelling the tourism industry towards sustainable growth and innovation.
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To thoroughly investigate the transformative effects of cutting-edge technological innovations in geotagging on responsible tourism, a comprehensive review of scholarly literature was conducted. The evaluation framework (Figure 1) comprises three key steps:

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