Revolutionizing Healthcare Harnessing IoT-Integrated Federated Learning for Early Disease Detection and Patient Privacy Preservation

Revolutionizing Healthcare Harnessing IoT-Integrated Federated Learning for Early Disease Detection and Patient Privacy Preservation

C. V. Suresh Babu, V. Surendar, N. Dheepak, S. Shiraj, K. Praveen
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1874-4.ch013
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In an era where healthcare is increasingly reliant on technology, this chapter explores the transformative potential of IoT-integrated federated learning for optimizing healthcare privacy and detection. Leveraging IoT devices, this chapter presents a compelling approach to early disease detection, personalized treatment planning, remote patient monitoring, and clinical trial enhancement. Focusing on the pressing issue of early cancer detection, this chapter demonstrates how wearable and home IoT devices gather health data without compromising patient privacy. Federated learning models, decentralized and secure, process this data to identify health anomalies before symptoms manifest. Despite technical, regulatory, and social challenges, the benefits of heightened privacy, increased efficiency, and reduced healthcare costs drive the integration of IoT and federated learning, marking a profound advancement in the healthcare landscape. This chapter illuminates the path to a data-driven, patient-centric future.
Chapter Preview

1. Introduction

In today's healthcare landscape, the profound impact of technology looms large. Healthcare, a realm intimately tied to humanity's well-being, stands at the intersection of innovation and patient care. The chapter before you embark on a journey, one that unravels the transformative potential of IoT-integrated federated learning. Its essence lies in optimizing healthcare privacy and detection, addressing longstanding challenges that have plagued the sector.

The confluence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and federated learning is not merely a technological evolution; it's a seismic shift. Healthcare's delicate dance between patient privacy and early disease detection has long demanded a nuanced solution. With an ever-growing array of IoT devices entering our homes and hospitals, the potential for data collection is unprecedented. Yet, this opportunity must be harnessed without infringing upon the sacred trust between patients and healthcare providers.

In the pursuit of early disease detection, this chapter scrutinizes the limits of conventional methodologies. As we explore the innovative realm of federated learning, we'll shed light on a decentralized, secure model capable of processing healthcare data without betraying the confidence of those it serves. Through the lens of wearable and home IoT devices, we'll unravel a framework for gathering health data that respects the sanctity of individual privacy. It's a marriage of cutting-edge technology and ethical imperatives, one that offers the promise of timely interventions, personalized care, and ultimately, more lives saved. In a world of technical, regulatory, and societal challenges, the allure of enhanced privacy, efficiency, and cost reduction fuels the unceasing integration of IoT and federated learning. This chapter opens a door to a future anchored in patient-centric, data-driven healthcare.

1.1. Background and Significance

This chapter examines the revolutionary potential of IoT-integrated federated learning for improving healthcare privacy and early disease detection in an era where healthcare is becoming more and more dependent on technology. Specifically focusing on their function in real-time data collection and the improvement of patient care, it explores the explosive rise and applications of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in healthcare (Suresh Babu. C.V., Akshayah N. S., et. al. 2023). Additionally, it emphasizes how crucially important early disease identification, individualized treatment planning, and privacy protection are in the modern healthcare environment. A unique approach to overcoming these difficulties is provided by the combination of IoT devices with federated learning, signaling a paradigm shift in the field of medicine.

1.2. Objectives of the Chapter

The primary objectives of this chapter are twofold. First, it aims to elucidate the concept of IoT-integrated federated learning and its relevance in healthcare. The chapter explores the decentralized and secure nature of federated learning and the methods used for preserving patient privacy while processing sensitive health data. Second, it delves into the practical applications and benefits of this approach, with a focus on early disease detection, personalized treatment planning, and remote patient monitoring. The chapter also addresses the technical, regulatory, and social challenges that come with implementing IoT-integrated federated learning in healthcare.

1.3. Overview of Chapter Structure

To facilitate an organized exploration of this transformative technology, the chapter is structured into several key sections. It begins by providing an in-depth understanding of IoT in healthcare, its growth, and its applications. This sets the stage for comprehending the benefits and challenges of integrating IoT devices into the healthcare ecosystem. Following this, the chapter pivots to the core concept of federated learning, explaining its decentralized and secure nature. It explores how federated learning models preserve data privacy during model training and data transmission. The concluding sections address early disease detection, data collection, privacy preservation, and the future of research in this field. The chapter concludes by underscoring the practical utility of IoT-integrated federated learning in healthcare, with a focus on improving patient care and data security.

It provides a roadmap for the reader, guiding them through the chapters' objectives, structure, and the pivotal significance of IoT-integrated federated learning in revolutionizing healthcare. It sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of this innovative approach and its potential to reshape the healthcare landscape.

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