Revolutionizing Events: Exploring the Seamless Integration of Robots in Hybrid and Virtual Experiences

Revolutionizing Events: Exploring the Seamless Integration of Robots in Hybrid and Virtual Experiences

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2272-7.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The rapid progress of technology has introduced a period in which robots are progressively becoming essential contributors in several facets of human life. Amidst the current worldwide pandemic and increasing desire for creative and interactive encounters, facilitating the inclusion of robots into events has become a captivating and transforming trend. In the past few years, hybridized and online gatherings have gained popularity owing to developments in communication technology and the need for flexible audience engagement across various geographical areas. The research explores the many capabilities of robots in event environments, including interactive companionship as well as event logistics and administration. The study also discusses the ethical implications and difficulties that arise from incorporating robots into events, such as concerns around privacy, security, and inclusion, in light of ongoing technological advancements. This chapter pursues to make available valuable perceptions to the present state of robotic technology and its thinkable future advancements.
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