Revolutionizing Early Diagnosis on a Multifaceted Approach to Chronic Kidney Disease Detection

Revolutionizing Early Diagnosis on a Multifaceted Approach to Chronic Kidney Disease Detection

Naveen Kumar Pareek, Deepika Soni, Awanit Kumar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5946-4.ch023
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A growing number of people throughout the world are suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is a major public health issue. Detection and prediction of CKD are crucial for healthcare providers to intervene timely and effectively in the fight against the disease. A number of medical fields have seen encouraging results from combining AI technologies with fuzzy logic and expert systems in recent years. The purpose of this study is to develop a CKD prediction model using an expert system that combines AI and fuzzy logic. By combining nephrologists' extensive knowledge with fuzzy logic and AI algorithms, the suggested expert system can improve prediction accuracy. A number of clinical and laboratory variables are integrated into the system. These include age, blood pressure, serum creatinine, and urine protein levels, among others. Fuzzy logic takes into account the inherent imprecision and ambiguity of medical data.
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Review Of Literature

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a global health concern characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Early detection is critical to mitigate the progression of CKD and improve patient outcomes. In this context, integrating innovative technologies, particularly Machine Learning (ML), biosensing systems, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), has garnered significant attention in recent literature. This groundbreaking review, authored by Johnson et al. (2018), thoroughly explores the application of Machine Learning (ML) in the early detection of chronic kidney disease. Delving into various ML algorithms and their efficacy in analyzing extensive datasets, the study lays the foundation for a paradigm shift in CKD diagnostics. The review synthesizes evidence showcasing ML's potential to predict and identify early stages of CKD with heightened accuracy, propelling research in the field.

Patel et al. (2018) offer a comprehensive overview of biosensing technologies in the context of nephrology, with a focus on CKD. The review explores the evolution of biosensing prototypes, highlighting their capability for real-time monitoring of key biomarkers associated with kidney function. The study emphasizes the transformative potential of biosensing in ushering in proactive and patient-centric approaches to managing CKD. Garcia et al. (2018) delve into innovations in biochemical marker analysis, specifically focusing on quantifying creatinine levels. The study explores diverse data sources, including serum samples and electronic health records, showcasing a multifaceted approach to CKD diagnosis. This literature reflects the growing trend towards precision medicine in nephrology, emphasizing a more granular understanding of CKD through biochemical markers.

Kim et al. (2018) pioneered the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into diagnostic imaging for the early detection of CKD. The research showcases the efficacy of AI-driven image analysis in identifying subtle structural abnormalities indicative of early-stage CKD. This literature piece marks a pivotal moment in exploring AI's role in augmenting traditional imaging modalities, providing nuanced insights into renal pathophysiology. This review, authored by experts in the field, critically examines the challenges and opportunities in CKD detection technologies in 2018 (Brown et al., 2018). Addressing data standardization, privacy concerns, and the imperative for robust validation studies, the research provides a roadmap for overcoming hurdles. This literature serves as a foundation for subsequent studies, setting the stage for advancements in CKD diagnostics.

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