Revolutionizing Biometrics With AI-Enhanced X-Ray and MRI Analysis

Revolutionizing Biometrics With AI-Enhanced X-Ray and MRI Analysis

Ramesh Chandra Aditya Komperla, Kiran Sree Pokkuluri, Varun Kumar Nomula, G. Uma Gowri, S. Suman Rajest, J. Rahila
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5946-4.ch001
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This chapter explores the innovative integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing biometric analysis through X-ray and MRI imaging. The recent advancements in AI and machine learning have opened new avenues in medical imaging, providing more accurate, efficient, and detailed analyses. The authors investigate how AI algorithms, particularly deep learning, can significantly improve the interpretation of X-ray and MRI scans for biometric purposes. The study focuses on developing an AI framework capable of identifying unique biometric markers from these imaging modalities. This approach aims to offer a more secure and reliable method for identity verification and medical diagnostics. This methodology involves training AI models with extensive datasets of X-ray and MRI images, incorporating feature extraction and pattern recognition techniques. The results demonstrate a marked improvement in accuracy and speed over traditional biometric systems.
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The burgeoning field of biometric identification, encompassing the recognition of unique physiological and behavioral traits, has been revolutionized by the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) (Vannan et al., 2005). This intersection of technology and biology has found profound applications in numerous domains, ranging from healthcare to security (Dikici et al., 2020). Within healthcare, AI's role in interpreting complex medical imaging, such as X-rays and MRIs, marks a significant leap forward (Kitrungrotsakul et al., 2019). This research delves into the myriad ways in which AI amplifies the precision and speed of medical diagnoses, a critical factor in patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency (Mun et al., 2020). Moreover, it explores the implications of AI-enhanced biometric identification in security and surveillance, where the ability to accurately identify individuals based on unique biological markers has profound implications for privacy, ethical considerations, and societal norms (Goisauf & Cano Abadía, 2022).

This research begins by examining the evolution of biometric identification techniques, tracing their roots from simplistic methods to the sophisticated AI-driven approaches of today (Buchanan, & Shortliffe, 1984). It scrutinizes the algorithms that enable AI systems to learn from vast datasets of biometric information, thereby increasing their accuracy in recognizing and distinguishing individual traits (Xu et al., 2021). The focus then shifts to medical diagnostics, particularly the application of AI in interpreting X-ray and MRI images (Han et al., 2022). Here, the research highlights how AI algorithms have become adept at detecting anomalies that are imperceptible to the human eye, thereby aiding in early disease detection and treatment planning (Lauterbur, 1973). This section also addresses the challenges in training AI systems with diverse and extensive medical datasets, ensuring that these systems are robust and reliable across different patient demographics (Guo et al., 2022).

In the field of security, the research explores how biometric identification is increasingly being used for authentication and surveillance (Kumar et al., 2023). It evaluates the accuracy of AI systems in facial recognition, fingerprint analysis, and other biometric techniques, and assesses their potential in enhancing security measures in various settings, from airports to online platforms (Huang et al., 2020). This section also delves into the ethical and privacy concerns raised by AI-powered biometric surveillance, discussing the balance between security and individual rights (Cherry et al., 2018).

The paper discusses the broader societal implications of these technologies (Ravi et al., 2023). It investigates how the integration of AI in biometric identification and medical diagnosis is reshaping industries, influencing legal frameworks, and altering public perceptions of privacy and security (Angeline et al., 2023). This includes an analysis of regulatory responses and the development of best practices for managing and using biometric data (Elaiyaraja et al., 2023).

The research then takes a comparative approach, examining different AI models and their effectiveness in various applications (Hasan Talukder et al., 2023). It provides case studies showcasing successful implementations of AI in biometrics and medical diagnostics (Jeganathan et al., 2023), along with instances where challenges have emerged (Huang, 2011). This comparative analysis not only illustrates the potential of AI in these fields but also highlights the ongoing need for improvement in terms of accuracy, bias mitigation, and ethical considerations (Hutton et al., 2011).

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