Revolutionizing Biomedical Engineering With Quantum Computing and AI

Revolutionizing Biomedical Engineering With Quantum Computing and AI

Mamta, Nitin Garla, Inam Ul Haq, Hardik Dhiman
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1479-1.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Quantum computing and AI could change biomedical engineering by enabling smart biomedical applications. Quantum computing and artificial intelligence for smart biological applications are thoroughly explained in this chapter. Combining quantum computing with AI promotes personalised healthcare, disease diagnosis, and medication discovery. The authors begin with a hardware and software review of both systems before discussing AI and quantum computing. Quantum computing and AI in personalised healthcare are then considered. The authors discuss quantum computing and AI-powered telemedicine, precision medicine, and smart wearable and medical devices. They also note that reliable qubit technologies, effective error-correction methods, and scalable quantum computing and AI architectures are needed to fully exploit quantum computing and AI for smart biomedical applications. In conclusion, quantum computing and AI could revolutionise biomedical engineering and enable intelligent biomedical applications that improve patient outcomes.
Chapter Preview

1. Introduction

  • a)

    Overview of quantum computing and AI

Quantum computing and AI are rapidly growing fields that could revolutionise science and engineering (Nielsen, M. A., et al., 2010). Quantum computing employs qubits instead of classical bits for faster, more efficient calculations. However, AI involves creating intelligent algorithms that can learn and execute human-like tasks including picture and speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. Quantum computing and AI are complementary technologies that can boost each other (Silver, D. et al., 2016). Quantum computing can speed up machine learning techniques, while AI can optimise quantum circuits and repair quantum computation mistakes. Quantum computing and AI could revolutionise drug discovery, medical imaging, and illness detection.

  • b)

    Fundamental quantum principles for Biomedical Engineering with Quantum Computing and AI

Quantum computers and AI can improve medicine and healthcare. This could involve developing new medications, novel disease therapies, and personalised care (Jordan, M. I., et al., 2015). Discuss quantum computing's fundamentals, how they can benefit medicine, and AI's role:

  • 1.

    Superposition and Quantum Parallelism:

Consider small particles with simultaneous states. Quantum computers use these particles to calculate quicker than normal computers.

  • i)

    Finding New Medicines: Quantum computers can aid in researching chemical interactions in the body, enabling the development of new medicines and therapies.

  • ii)

    Optimizing Treatments: Quantum computers can instantly determine optimal drug delivery and treatment regimens.

    • 2.


In rare cases, particles can form a unique connection despite their distance. Quantum computers can get increasingly powerful.

  • i)

    Studying Genes: Quantum linkages may aid in gene understanding, illness patterns, and personalised treatment design.

  • ii)

    Smarter AI: Quantum links could enhance AI perception of visuals and patterns, such as identifying medical issues in X-rays.

    • 3.

      Quantum Sensing and Imaging

Quantum sensors measure precisely. This could aid medical imaging.

  • i)

    Sharper Scans: The use of quantum sensors could improve the clarity and usefulness of medical imaging, such as MRIs, for clinicians.

  • ii)

    Early Disease Signs: Quantum sensors detect subtle body changes before illness progression.

    • 4.

      Smart Learning with Quantum

Quantum computers speed up some learning, which helps with data analysis and pattern recognition.

  • i)

    Feature Selection: Quantum-powered learning can aid clinicians in identifying crucial aspects in medical data, aiding in disease diagnosis and risk assessment.

    • 5.

      Privacy and Security

Quantum-supported systems can quickly analyse medical images to identify issues and provide accurate diagnoses. Quantum tech can protect medical data from hackers.

  • i)

    Protecting Patient Data: Quantum encryption protects patient data from cyber-attacks, ensuring personal information is protected.

    • c)

      Quantum algorithms for Biomedical Engineering with Quantum Computing and AI

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