Review of Post-COVID-19 Tourism Marketing Partnership Opportunities Between Australia and Pakistan

Review of Post-COVID-19 Tourism Marketing Partnership Opportunities Between Australia and Pakistan

Farooq Haq, Anam Syed Maheen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8657-0.ch011
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This chapter presents a deliberation on an opportunity for tourism marketing partnership between Australian and South Asia, with a focus on Pakistan. Tourism being the star performing industry across the globe has faced unprecedented crash due to COVID-19. Post-COVID-19 market opening relies heavily on the fundamental option of partnerships between governments and private players. The tourism demand has triggered partnerships between government and private agencies across various countries that have convergence in areas of culture, politics, and economy. Australia and Pakistan are among the countries who do not have geographical proximity, but they enjoy congruence in agriculture-based economy and sports-based entertainment. Moreover, both countries have diverse tourism resources serving travelers in hedonistic, mountain, snow, spiritual, sports, and events. This chapter highlights the types of tourism marketing that could be facilitated in a post-COVID-19 environment between Australia and Pakistan and phases involved in the partnership essential for meeting United Nations SDGs.
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Pakistan, although not a well know tourism destination, it presents a diverse range of choices for various types of tourists. The country hosts one of the oldest human civilizations, hosts several locations of scenic beauty, range of highest mountains, many religious, spiritual, and historic places, unique arts and crafts, a multi-contextual culture and a rich heritage (Seraphim & Haq, 2019). About the Pakistani people, Ahmed (2021) reported that the British Backpacker Society ranked Pakistan as the world's top adventure travel destination in 2018, labeled the people as one of the friendliest nation, with countless mountain sceneries that could be described as beyond wildest imagination.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Tourism Partnership: Partnerships supports relationship marketing to build operational efficiencies among the various players involved in the tourism business, the success depends on stakeholders on both the demand side and supply side must collaborate and benefit. The global tourism business operations generally include both vertical and horizontal partnerships.

Post COVID-19: All business, social, economic, and political scenarios based on the time after the end of the COVID-19 Pandemic, assumed to be from the end of 2021.

Tourism Marketing: All business planning focused on the needs, wants, and demands of tourists, is called as tourism marketing, which provides sustainable competitive advantage to tourism agencies and destinations.

SAARC: South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation includes seven countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. SAARC was established in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 16 January 1987, and was inaugurated by King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah of Nepal.

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