Rethinking Learning Engagement Through Emotional Learning Analytics in K-12 Classrooms Through Social-Emotional Learning and Mindfulness

Rethinking Learning Engagement Through Emotional Learning Analytics in K-12 Classrooms Through Social-Emotional Learning and Mindfulness

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0066-4.ch009
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Since human beings are not only physical entities, albeit constituted by complex social and emotional features, their well-being also depends on learning how to communicate their needs to the others in an effective way, and to manage their emotions in a healthy way. From the learning perspective, emotional health also contributes to enhanced academic success, leading to improvement in learning. It is, thus, of critical importance to develop an understanding for learning engagement through the utilization of a novel concept of emotional learning analytics (ELA) to transform education systems with the purpose of molding a future that strengthens improved academic success as well as nestling peace and well-being. Accordingly, this review aims to provide a double dividend to the learners in K-12 classrooms to embrace the significance of social-emotional learning (SEL) and mindfulness to rethink learning engagement by synthesizing the findings, challenges, and recommendations from latest research through ELA to nurture emphatic learners for a sustainable society across the world.
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Mindful learning is based on the learners’ ability to be aware of what they are doing in the present moment. Thus, it is thought that it is an intrinsic process that requires focus and discipline. Therefore, the main goals of the research and the programs applied have revealed that the main cores that SEL and mindfulness can add up to the learners’ performance can be listed as self-awareness, self-management, self-regulation, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision- making. With the help of these five main components, English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers aim to enhance students’ awareness of learning and boost their concentration. That is why all the components have a crucial importance in language classrooms.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Learner Engagement: It reflects both quality and quantity of a student’s participation into an educational program through efficiency echoed by interaction and cooperation with other students and teachers in the learning environment.

Emotional Learning Analytics (ELA): It is a kind of analysis of learning, processing emotionally driven data to improve students’ learning using computational methods and techniques.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): It is the process through which students learn how to apply social and emotional sets of knowledge, skills, and values to manage success at school.

Mindfulness: It is the mental state of being aware of something on the present moment, acknowledging one’s feelings and thoughts, accepting bodily sensations by means of a therapeutic technique.

K-12 Education: It is the 12 years of compulsory education from kindergarten to Grade 12.

Learning Analytics (LA): It is a kind of an analysis of learning, processing data to improve students’ learning using computational methods and techniques.

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