Responsible Conduct of Research in a Globalized World: Challenges and Strategies

Responsible Conduct of Research in a Globalized World: Challenges and Strategies

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1371-8.ch015
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In a globalized world, there is a need for interdisciplinary education that is deeply connected to the world where the boundaries between countries are permeable, events, trends, and decisions in one part of the world can have far-reaching consequences elsewhere. The result of this interconnectedness is globalization, whereby people can create intricate social and commercial networks over great distances, both within and outside of national and cultural boundaries creating cooperation and collaboration between people and countries. The connectedness generates knowledge that requires responsible conduct of research, taking advantage of the opportunities available enabled by new technologies. The chapter interrogates the extent to which academic research adheres to the ethical requirements, equity and fairness in such collaborations, global cultural goals and practices, and how scholars adapt their research to address issues that arise due to globalization. How research findings are disseminated and who gains from the dissemination is also assessed.
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Research Ethics As The Heart Of Academic Inquiry

To improve the legitimacy and integrity of research, ethical principles are necessary for the generation of new information through study. According to Huybersa, Greeneb and Rohr (2020), research ethics have two aspects i.e. research oversight and research integrity. Financial integrity, the protection of human and animal subjects, and, most recently, official supervision of financial conflicts of interest are all included in research oversight. “Responsible conduct of research,” another name for research integrity, tackles the issues of research validity and the consistency of the study record.

The aforementioned encompasses various aspects such as data collection, handling, distribution, and ownership; mentorship and trainee duties; publication procedures and authorship; peer review; cooperative efforts; human subjects; animal research; research misconduct (such as fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism); and conflicts of interest and dedication (Tri-Agency Framework, 2016). Good research practices that align with a duty to the society that the study serves are fostered by responsible research conduct (Kalichman, 2016). The degree to which the research community adheres to these practices determines responsible research behaviour and output. Negative consequences may occur in situations when the standards are not adhered to (Huybersa, Greeneb & Rohr, 2020). In an increasingly globalized society, the scientific community must comprehend the common standards to ensure that research methodologies are consistent worldwide.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Responsible Conduct of Research: is a broad concept that encompasses a broader set of principles and guidelines that govern the entire research process, including planning, conducting, reporting, and reviewing research

Research Integrity: refers to the ethical and responsible conduct of research whereby high standards of honesty, accuracy, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of the research process are adhered to

Global Research: refers to research activities and initiatives that have an international or global scope or collaborations that extend beyond national or regional boundaries

Academic Research: refers to the systematic investigation, study, and analysis of a particular field of knowledge conducted by scholars, researchers, or academics within the framework of an educational institution or a research organization with a goal to contribute new knowledge and insights

Research Ethics: refers to the set of principles, guidelines, and standards that govern the conduct of research

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