Resolving Intergenerational Conflicts: Promoting Peaceful Solutions

Resolving Intergenerational Conflicts: Promoting Peaceful Solutions

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8888-1.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Intergenerational relations have always been an effective aspect of both society and all kinds of organizations. Together with many different generations to be included in professional life, this fact has become felt in a harsh way, since the generational gap between individuals is getting bigger and bigger every day. Inevitably, this fact results in intergenerational conflicts in organizations and societies. This chapter aims to draw attention to these conflicts and try to suggest activities to solve or overcome these conflicts. This chapter was prepared as a handbook and aims to shed light on the minds of those who want to solve intergenerational conflicts and understand them deeply.
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1. Introduction

Human society has always been characterized by intergenerational conflicts, which are caused by disparities in viewpoints, values, and life experiences among the various age groups. To maintain harmonious relationships within families, workplaces, and communities, it is essential to promote peaceful resolutions to these conflicts. The key to resolving intergenerational conflicts is open and effective communication. Recent studies highlight the significance of establishing safe environments for candid communication where each party can voice their thoughts, concerns, and emotions. The generational gap can be closed by promoting active listening, empathy, and respect for opposing viewpoints. It is critical to keep in mind that people of all ages can benefit from one another's perspectives and experiences (Johnson, & Smith, 2022).

It is important to keep in mind that only through empathy and understanding, we can build bridges between generations. However, if this cannot be managed, intergenerational conflicts can be encountered. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations of motives and behaviors frequently result in intergenerational conflicts. Peaceful solutions can be facilitated by fostering understanding and empathy among various age groups. Recent research highlights the importance of actively seeking to understand each other's generational backgrounds, values, and life experiences (Sanchez & Johnson, 2023). This empathetic approach promotes mutual respect and empathy, helping people understand the unique challenges each generation faces.

When thought comprehensively, finding common ground and working toward cooperative solutions are frequently necessary to resolve intergenerational conflicts. Recent research has shown how important it is to work toward solutions that satisfy the needs and goals of all parties (Thomson, & Davis, 2023). Individuals from various age groups are empowered and a sense of shared ownership and responsibility is fostered when intergenerational collaboration is encouraged in decision-making processes. Finding a middle ground and compromising allows for peaceful solutions that address the issues of both younger and older generations.

In the 21st century, the generational divide has grown wider as a result of technological advancements, creating disputes over how to use and comprehend digital tools and platforms. In order to foster communication and cooperation, recent research emphasizes the significance of bridging this technological gap. In this digital age, encouraging intergenerational knowledge sharing sessions can pave the way for amicable resolutions by allowing older generations to learn about new technologies and younger generations to gain insight from experience (Lee, & Patel, 2022).

Identifying common goals and shared values can serve as a unifying force in resolving intergenerational conflicts. Finding points of agreement and concentrating on group goals that cut across generational differences are important, according to recent studies (Bakker, & Roberts, 2023). People can resolve conflicts and cooperate to achieve a beneficial result by emphasizing shared values like respect, love, and the pursuit of happiness. However, it may be difficult for a manager to solve intergenerational conflicts, no matter what they do. It can be helpful to seek a mediator's help or professional advice when dealing with complex intergenerational conflicts that are difficult to resolve on your own. Recent studies show how effective mediation strategies are at promoting amicable settlements. Mediators can aid in fostering an atmosphere of neutrality, encouraging effective communication, and directing the disputing parties toward understanding and compromise (Johnson, & Anderson, 2022).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Peaceful: A way that everybody feels safe and comfortable.

Conflicts: Disagreements between two or more groups.

Resolutions: Solving in a beneficial and peaceful way.

Intergenerational Solutions: The ways to solve the problems among people from different generations.

Conflict Resolutions: Solving the disagreements in a way that parties of that conflict agree to do voluntarily.

Gap: Differences between generations in terms of perspective and skills.

Generation: Groups of people who were born in different periods and whose characters can be shaped by the characteristics of the period they are in.

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