Research on the Utilization and Evaluation of Library Resource Discovery Systems in China

Research on the Utilization and Evaluation of Library Resource Discovery Systems in China

Linlin Song, Haitao Li, Shihui Li
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8051-6.ch058
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According to the investigation of library resources discovery system construction in 20 universities in China, the aggregation discovery service provided by the multi-source aggregation function, the discovery function is based on aggregation and the comprehensive revealing function. This article evaluates user usage and acceptance based on refinements of the functions mentioned above. The investigation shows that compared with the diversity of function, users are more concerned about the practicability, the intuition and the academy. Thus, systems should choose the best sources and pay attention to the metadata normalization, and enhance the correlation to standard datasets.
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Literature Review

In the Chinese library and information science field, the research on the resource discovery systems, a new thing in library information management systems, began in 2011. There are more than 80 related research papers, whose topics are mainly as follows:

  • TOPIC 1: Comparative Studies on existing resource discovery systems.

These studies aim to introduce and propagate the existing system, helping more libraries and users; in addition, to provide reference for libraries to select and construct the resource discovery system.

The respondent systems are Primo, EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), Find+, Summon, WorldCat Local, Chaoxing Discovery, etc. The contents consist of history, UI designs, resource ranges, the discovery function, the acquisition function and personalized services.

This topic has the largest number of papers comparing with others, Yu (2017), Ge (2017), Zhu (2015), and Sun (2013), who introduced the development status of each system and their localization in every university library. Both the aims mentioned above have been achieved.

Jason Vaughan (2008), who performs an internal and external research into library web-scale discovery services from the librarians who are participants in the discovery conversation in academic library and the library vendors which have developed these services. They made a recommendation for UNLV Libraries to select a suitable library web-scale discovery system.

Richard Guajardo (2017) introduced the University of Houston Libraries’ various discovery options. These include an open-source tool, a federated search product, and two index-based discovery systems. He summarizes important criteria for evaluating discovery systems and recounts valuable lessons that may be applied during future system-evaluation processes and implementations.

Aaron F. Nichols (2017) surveyed heads of reference and instruction departments in research and land-grant university libraries. The survey results revealed common practices with discovery tools among academic libraries. This study also draws connections between operational, instructional, and assessment practices and perceptions that participants have of the success of their discovery tool. Participants who indicated successful implementation of their discovery tool hailed from institutions that made significant commitments to the operations, maintenance, and acceptance of their discovery tool. Participants who indicated an unsuccessful implementation, or who were unsure about the success of their implementation, did not make lasting commitments to the technical maintenance, operations, and acceptance of their discovery tool.

  • TOPIC 2: The thorough analysis of functions of resource discovery systems.

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