Requisite Sustainable Development Contemplating Buildings: Economic and Environmental Sustainability

Requisite Sustainable Development Contemplating Buildings: Economic and Environmental Sustainability

Parul Bhyan, Bhavna Shrivastava, Nand Kumar
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8331-9.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Sustainable development is a requisite for future generation, as increasing urbanization, destruction of natural resources by anthropic activities, degrading ecosystems for the sake of present economic development at cost of environmental exploitation are increasing by each passing day on earth. The goal of this chapter is to provide meaningful insights for policy-makers and decision-makers towards sustainable development in the construction industry. This study is first-of-its-kind study focusing on the Sustainable Developments Goals and sustainability dimensions and their criteria and indicators in one compilation through literature study. The study concludes that there is a need to integrate the construction industry into the Sustainable Development Goals and their targets to test the built environment sustainability and there is a need to develop the most adequate frameworks for commencing the topic. Two possible frameworks suggested for future research recommendation needed for the Indian context to enhance sustainability within construction industry are based on LCSA and MCDM analysis.
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“Sustainability” and “Sustainable Development” are substantial notions that vary from time to time and region to region, but nature is always the same – a development with very less destruction to the society, economic, environmental ecosystem, and other far-away factors which may occur caused by so-called “development”. To manage this destruction by anthropic activities to ecosystem many initiatives have been taken so far by National, International, and building levels. The concept of sustainability became a part of environmental sustainability when the Brundtland Report in 1987, which it described sustainability as “Leaving sufficient resources for future generations to have a quality of life similar to ours”. Rio earth summit, sustainable development goals, Agenda 21, etc. These development efforts from the international level down to local municipalities will ideally make every action more effective. At the national level, India has taken so many initiatives as Smart city initiated on 25 June 2015 and the objective was to provide the best infrastructure and quality of life to their cities to promote sustainable and inclusive cities. Considering the third level of sustainable development as building or construction level, as already known that building construction plays a very vital role in the achievement of sustainability as building construction includes various stages design transportation, construction maintenance so there is a correlation between building and sustainability. For improvement of building quality ISO, 9001 was the first step towards sustainable quality of construction and this was provided by the International Bureau of construction. Before notifying the above examples, firstly, this should be noted that:

  • 1.

    Why it’s a need to talk about sustainability and sustainable development/buildings?

  • 2.

    Why are international and national governments worried?

  • 3.

    What sustains?

Key Terms in this Chapter

S-LCA: Social-life cycle assessment.

LCA: Life cycle assessment.

SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals.

E-LCA: Environment life cycle assessment.

MCDM: Multi-criterion decision making.

GBRS: Green building rating system.

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