Reputational Compliance in the Communicative Online Environment of a Hotel Entity

Reputational Compliance in the Communicative Online Environment of a Hotel Entity

Lyudmila Bovsh, Kamel Mouloudj, Myroslava Bosovska, Rasulova Alla, Margaryta Boiko
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1658-0.ch009
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The purpose of this chapter was to develop theoretical and practical insights into the relationship between reputational compliance and business success in online communications. Communication channels affecting the formation of reputational compliance are defined. The role of social networks in the formation and management of reputation is considered. Reputational compliance strategies that help increase the value of reputational capital and prevent reputational losses are described. The methodology includes general scientific approaches to working out theoretical interpretations and formulating hypotheses. In the process of forming reputational outposts in the security policy of the business entity, the roadmap method was applied, which is based on the approaches of SMM management and corporate risk management. In addition, reputational threats in the online environment were analyzed. The selection of key reputation criteria and an in-depth review of modern trends in reputation risk management contributed to the modeling of the reputation compliance strategy of the hotel industry.
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Literature Review

The research topic is complementary and is formed at the intersection of compliance, reputation management, communication management, and the digital environment. Thus, compliance is a guarantee of the prevention of financial and reputational losses in the activities of an economic entity. Therefore, it attracts the attention of many scientists and business experts. For example, Kobeleva (2020) in her monograph, substantiated compliance as part of economic security policy for industrial enterprises. Fedulova et al. (2018) described a comprehensive approach to financial risk management and building a financial compliance system. Ulrich and Boßler (2018) argued that there are some regional priorities in the area of compliance training and further training. Also, Robina-Ramírez et al. (2020) investigated hotel managers' perceptions of “corporate compliance in the tourism industry”. In turn, Paraskevas and Chu (2014) sought to develop “an anti-corruption compliance framework for international hotel groups”. In addition, recent research on reputational aspects and policies covers the question of interpretations of risk management as a formalized process that allows organizations to avoid unnecessary expenditure of resources (Giles, 2012), identification of misconduct, and assessment of reputational consequences (Cumming et al., 2020), reputation crises, crisis communications and strategies (Schermer, 2021a), consideration of the weaknesses of reputational control (Parker, 2004), reputational stability (Mahon, 2016), and reputational sanctions (Mungan, 2016).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Entities of the Hotel Management System: Main entities include the hotel, room, billing, services, reservation, customers (guests), staff, and payment.

Hotel Industry: It is one of the most important industries in the tourism sector that provides accommodation services for guests, including food and beverage services, and entertainment.

Hotel Reputation: Refers to customers' general opinion or appreciation about the hotel (such as brand, staff, and design); it evaluates the level of respect, trust, admiration, and credibility.

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