Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare

Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare

Dhanabalan Thangam, Anil B. Malali, Gopalakrishanan Subramaniyan, Sudha Mariappan, Sumathy Mohan, Jin Yong Park
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9132-1.ch005
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Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are playing a major role in addressing and understanding better the COVID-19 crisis in recent days. These technologies are simulating human intelligence into the machines and consume large amounts of data for identifying and understanding the patterns and insights quickly than a human and preparing us with new kinds of technologies for preventing and fighting with COVID-19 and other pandemics. It helps a lot to notice the people who got infected by the virus and to forecast the infection rate in the upcoming days with the earlier data. Healthcare and medical sectors are in requirement of advanced technologies for taking accurate decision to manage this virus spread. AI-enabled technologies are working in a talented way to do things intelligently like human intelligence. Thus, the AI-enabled technologies are employed for attaining accurate health results by examining, forecasting, and checking present infected and possibly future cases.
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Due to the worldwide pandemic called Coronavirus (Covid-19), the healthcare industry is need of well equipped technologies for the multipurpose usage and also for analysing and controlling the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an advanced technology, which is having the capability of tracking the pattern of increasing Covid-19, and it also diagnosis the patients who are at high risk and it is helping to manage this disease in real-time. It is also forecasting the fatality risk by assessing patients’ previous data thoroughly. Moreover, AI looks as if a crucial technology in searching and preparing preventive measures to manage the Covid-19 and other possible diseases. AI is a technology that simulates human intelligence into the machine and thereby it processes the real-time data for the necessary purpose. AI-enabled technologies are evolving quickly in the recent years, because of its advancement in the data processing, yes, AI processes millions of million data within few minutes with much faster and smarter, thus it predicts the happening more exactly than human. Since the present pandemic has collapsed the entire world, all the countries are trying to come up with sophisticated technologies such as AI, and Machine Learning (ML), to develop new and ground-breaking ideas to fight against Covid-19 (Vaishya, Javaid, Khan, and Haleem, 2020). AI and ML offer numerous advantages than conventional analytics and moreover they are supporting a lot in taking decisions with more accuracy and reliability. Learning algorithms can be converted into more accurate and precise as they mesh with training data, letting humans attain extraordinary insights into diagnostics, treatment variability, patient care processes, and patient outcomes (Chen, Yang, Yang, Wang, and Barnighausen, 2020). The worldwide medical field also needs well equipped technologies for taking appropriate decision immediately, to deal with this pandemic and to save the society from the spread in real-time. AI and ML technology work in a brilliant way to mimic human intelligence. It may also play an imperative role in understanding and suggesting ways and means for the developing vaccine for Covid-19. Such a wonderful result-driven real-time technology is utilized for screening, evaluating, predicting, and tracking of existing patients and expected future patients properly (Dialani, 2021).

Covid-19 pandemic has damaged the whole world drastically and slowdown the medical and systems healthcare sector. Still all countries are trying to find out the root cause for this pandemic, but unfortunately, it is getting delay and thus it leaves room for the development of advanced healthcare technologies to deal with various harms related to this pandemic. In this juncture, industry 4.0 enabled AI and ML technologies have given a tremendous support to eradicate this pandemic issue by establishing wireless technologies. These technologies are helping to improve process automation in across the industries including health sector. Thus, These technologies are linked with various stakeholders of the healthcare industry and to communicate with each other for the developing various health related products and services such as healthcare equipment, drugs, and vaccines, check-up instruments, patient care applications and so on. All these products and services are made safely, smartly, accurately, and with the lesser human contribution (Alloghani et al., 2018). As a consequence, AI enabled smart manufacturing system ensures the availability of necessary healthcare items on time, to face the Covid-19 pandemic issues. This technology also helps to design and develop healthcare necessities rapidly. Further the AI enabled digital health instruments like pressure testing kits, contact tracing applications, response systems, health rings, and so on are contributing a lot to this sector (Javaid et al., 2018). Against this backdrop, the present chapter has made an attempt to demonstrate the relevance of AI and enabled technologies in this perilous pandemic.

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