Relax Player App With Relaxation Melodies and Different Sounds

Relax Player App With Relaxation Melodies and Different Sounds

Abu Baker, Majid Khan
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6939-8.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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When mind is at peace, body responds in the same tone. Contrarily, a little anxiety or worry may upset the peace of mind and body, leading to faster heartbeat, taut muscles, high or low blood pressure, abnormal hormone secretion, and over sweating. These are the common symptoms of stress. These may, in turn, lead to serious health issues, as well as psychological disorders, such as insomnia (sleeplessness), anger, and tendency to commit suicide. Nowadays the ratio of suicide is on the increase on a day-to-day scale. To overcome all these problems, and cater to human right to enjoy an environment of peace and quiet for better mental and physical performance, the authors have developed an Android-based offline, multi-functional mobile application: Relax Player App. It panoramically arrays natural sounds, animal sounds, instrumental music, white noise, and brain soothing melodies to relax and freshen up user's ears and mind. It also has in-built mechanism to create one's own melody by mixing these sounds, adding to its appeal.
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Stress can lead to significant problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, ill digestion, abnormal heart beat, weakness, and disturbed immunity system. To solve these problems and reduce stress, peoples are advised to indulge in different activities, such as:

  • 1.

    Taking deep breath.

  • 2.

    Adopting healthy lifestyle.

  • 3.

    Clearing their mind by focusing on a specific thought, place, word(s), color or object.

  • 4.

    Doing progressive muscle relaxation by putting in and putting out the body muscles to relax them.

  • 5.

    Drinking lots of water because water is important to keep the body well hydrated and free it of toxins. This helps the mind to focus better.

  • 6.

    Engaging themselves in their favorite activities because this induces a feeling of happiness in their minds and relaxes them.

  • 7.

    Sharing their feelings with the ones they trust.

  • 8.

    Doing yoga exercises because these also calm and relax the body and mind.

  • 9.

    Holidaying in a beautiful and serene resort (MHA, 2018 & Mental Health, 2018).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Yoga: A combination of exercises from Hindu culture basically. These involve breath control, meditation, focus, fitness, etc.

Meditation: This involves deep thinking or reflection on spiritual or divine matters.

Stress Releasing Application: Those application which helps in releasing stress and depression problems.

Music: Any pleasing sounds are music.

Relaxation: It is mental activation process that keep your body and mind refresh, relax, cool, calm, and focused.

White Noise: The combination of all different frequencies sound that combine together.

Music Player: The player may be a hardware or software that plays music. Its soft versions include mp3 and mp4.

Relax Player: An Android-based mobile music player with relaxation melodies.

Insomnia: This is a sleep disorder that entails sleeplessness, or in other words, wakefulness.

Relax Melody: A tone of relaxation.

Mix: The mixture of different sounds to form one single sound.

Stress: Stress is how the human body and mind respond to any demand. Every type of demand such as exercise, work, school, major life changes, or unexpected events, a lot of responsibilities.

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