Relationship of Digital Technology Adoption on Sustainability Performance

Relationship of Digital Technology Adoption on Sustainability Performance

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1363-3.ch003
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This chapter explores the relationship between digital technology adoption and sustainability performance. The adoption of digital technologies in various sectors has the potential to enhance economic competitiveness while also promoting sustainability. This study examines the impact of digital technology adoption on sustainability performance by considering factors such as cost, reliability, quality, energy consumption, and carbon emissions. The research emphasizes the need for a systematic approach throughout the entire product lifecycle, including concept development, design, manufacturing, delivery, and supply chain management. The study also highlights the importance of communicating sustainability achievements and commitments in the tourism and hospitality industry. The research aims to fill the gap in understanding the underlying mechanisms and mediating factors that drive the relationship between digital technology adoption and sustainability performance, providing valuable insights for businesses, policymakers, and industry stakeholders.
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1. Introduction

Advanced manufacturing leverages emerging technologies to significantly improve both the economic competitiveness of individual manufacturers and the sustainability of the entire industrial sector. With the introduction of new materials and technologies, there is a need for innovative manufacturing processes and sophisticated analytical models to control and optimize various parameters such as cost, reliability, quality, product flexibility, energy consumption, and fossil carbon emissions. The effective integration of advanced manufacturing for sustainability can only be achieved by adopting a systematic approach that encompasses concept development, product design, manufacturing, product delivery, service, as well as forward and reverse supply chain management (Jin et al. 2017).

There is no doubt about the significance of sustainable tourism. Tourism and hospitality companies across the globe are increasingly embracing sustainable practices in their product offerings. However, not all companies effectively communicate their accomplishments and dedication in this field. This study shows Relationship of digital technology adoption on sustainability performance (Tiago et al. 2021). According to Khin and Ho (2019) Emerging digital technologies can be harnessed to create groundbreaking digital products and services, thereby enhancing business performance. These technologies not only enable innovation but also address the existing gaps in the literature concerning the driving factors behind digital innovation and the mediating role of digital innovation in connecting these factors to overall performance (Brunetti et al. 2020).

This research primarily addresses the critical issues of enhancing economic competitiveness in manufacturing through technological innovation, and the imperative of sustainability in various industries, especially in the context of growing environmental and resource-related challenges. The main motivation behind the project is to explore and establish a direct link between the adoption of advanced manufacturing techniques and digital technologies, and their impact on sustainability performance. It seeks to not only optimize manufacturing parameters like cost, reliability, quality, and energy efficiency but also to integrate these improvements into a broader sustainable framework that spans various sectors including tourism, hospitality, business, energy, agriculture, and transportation. A significant part of the motivation is to fill a notable gap in existing research regarding how digital technology adoption can mediate and enhance sustainability performance. The project aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors driving digital innovation and how these innovations can be strategically leveraged for sustainable practices. It also focuses on the necessity for organizations to adapt to the rapid pace and diversity of technological advancements, promoting a mindset of digital transformation that is essential for future resilience and growth. The research is driven by the goal of providing actionable insights and practical guidelines to businesses and policymakers. These insights are aimed at facilitating informed decisions regarding the adoption and integration of digital technologies in sustainability strategies, ultimately leading to a more balanced and resilient future where environmental preservation, economic prosperity, and social well-being coexist harmoniously.

In the realm of digital technology, the pace and diversity of technological advancements are remarkable. New hardware, software, and applications continuously surface, often with unforeseen implications for businesses. Consequently, to effectively harness the potential of digital technology and enhance organizational performance, cultivating a mindset of digital transformation becomes crucial (Li et al. 2021). The strategic plan of the firm regarding digital technology places a strong emphasis on embracing change. This includes selecting platforms that can adapt to technological advancements, encompassing hardware, network, and software standards. Additionally, it involves keeping management informed about valuable options prior to making strategic decisions concerning digital transformation (Lee and Bai 2003).

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