Relationship Between Online Learning Environments and Student Behaviour: Student Perspective From Universities in Higher Education

Relationship Between Online Learning Environments and Student Behaviour: Student Perspective From Universities in Higher Education

Meenakshi Sharma, Alka Dwivedi
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4083-4.ch012
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The coronavirus disease originated from the city of Wuhan in late 2019. Colleges and schools faced various challenges, but they accepted the fact and soon went online and learning continued. This study makes an attempt to understand student behaviour towards the online learning environment and to measure the relationship between the various online learning environment factors and student behaviour. Primary data of 500 students were collected using stratified random sampling from different schools and universities with the help of a questionnaire. Data were analysed using Karl Pearson correlation. Results show a weak correlation between online learning factors and student behaviour towards learning. The exclusivity of this study is that it has attempted to fill the wide gaps existing in the field of online learning. This research work confirms the importance of student preferences in analysing and measuring the experiences of students and identifies their significant effect in online learning especially in higher education.
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The Coronavirus disease brought the whole world to a standstill. To prevent the spread of virus the schools and colleges were closed worldwide which resulted in many sufferings among students. Countries are at various stages of COVID 19 infection and therefore more than 1.2 billion kids in 186 countries did not go to school due to this pandemic. This forced the education system to transit to online and in a time span of few months teaching and learning was back to normal, the learning continued. Though pandemic has impacted normal education to a great extent yet Universities and schools geared up using innovative tools and techniques but how effective was this transition towards student performance to answer this it becomes imperative to understand how it impacted students learning and performance, how much compatible they are with this new learning system and how much satisfied they are with the instructors. To understand these issues this study is aimed to study the students attitude towards online learning environment and measure the relationship between the various online learning environment factors and students behaviour. The results of the study would help universities and schools to take decisions towards providing appropriate online infrastructure by implementing a range of collaboration tools and techniques and its management and build strategies to promote global education network.

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