Reflective Learning With Video-Based Annotations

Reflective Learning With Video-Based Annotations

Chelsey M. Bollinger, Juhong Christie Liu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9004-1.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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The use of video-based interactive annotation and analysis with time-attached comments and reflection are on the rise in teaching and learning. Although video technologies are becoming more affordable, video annotation tools require sophisticated integration of database management, metadata mapping and retrievability, user management, data privacy, and storage. These issues have contributed to the limited application of these tools in educational settings. To understand the teaching and learning possibilities of these video annotation tools, the researchers conducted a case study with a purposeful sample of faculty from interdisciplinary backgrounds. The study took an inductive approach through comparison of two video annotation systems, exploratory applications as different user roles, observations, usability tests, and pilots with in-service teachers.
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Main Focus Of The Chapter

Reflective Learning

Reflective learning refers to learners' continual and active participation in their problem inquiry with a continuous and critical judgment of the inquiry process and outcomes for possible improvement (Farr & Riordan, 2012; Lyon, 2006; Rodman, 2010). Retrospective, anticipatory, and contemporaneous reflection (van Manen, 2008; Edwards, 2017) can uncover the paradigmatic, prescriptive, and causal assumptions (Brookfield, 1995) that inform decision-making. According to Yasin, Rahman, and Almad (2012), surface or non-reflective learning resides in learner’s habits, usually associated with minimal thoughts, and rote memorization. Reflective learning is considered favorable to deep learning, in which learners experience the learning process in touch with subject topics with rich resources from multiple channels (Cifuentes et al., 2011, Lai, 2013).

Learners can involve interactions with peers, teachers, related experts, and resources during their process of learning reflection, researchers also suggest that learners should concern the social dimension in their reflective engagement, with an awareness of learning dialogs and interactions (Atkinson, 2011; Gebre et al., 2014; Pittaway, 2012). Reflection is a well-established feature in teacher development (e.g., Dewey, 1997; Schön, 1987). Reflection, however, is a highly personal activity that takes time to develop and to become part of an educator’s practice.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Analytics: Data that a software can provide to help uncover valuable data about your users.

Video Annotation: Labeling process on time-stamped moments on a video used to inform reflective learning.

In-Service Teacher: Teachers currently in the field teaching.

Formative Assessment: A planned, ongoing process used by students and teachers to uncover evidence of student learning.

Reflective Learning: A type of thinking aimed at achieving better understanding and it usually leads to new learning.

Arc: A video-based communication tool that allows instructors and students to actively collaborate through video creation and video-based comments and discussions. It is also a video storage platform on the Learning Management System Canvas (in 2020 named as Canvas Studio).

Sibme: A teacher-founded software that helps educational institutions improve teaching and learning by allowing time-stamped annotations on videos. The comments can be plain text on the timeline of video, file attachment, or mobile phone uploaded content. Sibme can be used to build online learning communities of teachers, share best practices, watch one another teach from anywhere, and provide job-embedded feedback. The video library allows learners to review the instructional moments that might be lost after leaving the actual lesson time in physical classrooms.

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