Recent Trends in IoT as Part of Digital India

Recent Trends in IoT as Part of Digital India

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7697-0.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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IoT usage growth expands in the wild range because of smart digital India in India. The government is funding various projects for boosting the expansion at a large level to promote smart digital India. Many start-up companies are flourishing due to the expansion of government policies in promoting smart digital India. Many public and private companies were improving their skill set to expand the government requirements. Here, for this chapter, the two case studies, satellite based IoT and solid waste management are discussed. The current trends, techniques, technologies, architectures, solutions, applications and issues were discussed. The recent advancement pertaining to these fields, comparison of the properties, and technology evolution were discussed elaborately to get a glimpse of smart digital India.
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Satellite objects that orbit the Earth, along with IoT devices can be linked together in different ways. One is the way satellites act as a source of wireless connection to IoT devices. The network formed through this connection allows valuable information to be communicated even in adverse conditions of the world. Moving towards smart digital India, it is important to understand this mode of connection. A satellite connection is established with a fairly simple process of signal transmission. A signal from the satellite orbiting the Earth is sent to a dish/modem installed at ground level. This is done with the help of radio waves, which are ideal for communication since they can change direction through refraction/reflection. This data is then fed to the satellite from the modem and then back to the modem at ground level setting up a network. In the case of connecting an IoT device, the device through the help of a satellite antenna transmits data that connects to the network. This network allows the user to view the data sent by virtue of it being delivered to the data center.

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