Recent Trends in Global Security: Challenges and Opportunities

Recent Trends in Global Security: Challenges and Opportunities

Kannadhasan S., Nagarajan R., Shanmuganantham M.
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9586-2.ch003
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With the emergence of the digital economy and an ever-increasing percentage of consumers conducting their business mostly from online or mobile devices, electronic shopping, or e-commerce, is fast being recognized as the way to go global at the click of a button. As a consequence, any modern company's ability to create a viable e-commerce model is becoming extremely significant. To secure themselves and their clients, an organization must overcome current security issues to ensure that the highest levels of e-commerce security are maintained. Failure to follow stringent ecommerce security procedures will result in the destruction of data, the compromise of transaction documents, and the leak of the customer's financial information. This will lead to legal and financial repercussions, as well as a negative image for the company. Cloud networking, web computing, e-commerce, net banking, and other cutting-edge technology also need a high degree of protection. Since these instruments hold personal information regarding a human, their security has become a top priority.
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One of the most important problems faced by e-commerce is the flow of expertise from business to business, inside the same business, and from business to consumers. When dealing with various parties and exchanging with them, companies are confronted with a growing number of different data types, connectivity needs, and process specifications. As a result, security concerns and threats must be addressed first, rather than secondarily, and must be treated seriously. Businesses must be able to respond to the demands of their partners in a prompt, reliable, and secure manner or risk losing out on a strong and global sector. In order to gain and sustain consumer loyalty and confidence in this new type of economy, they must conform to security standards and disciplines. (Barskar & Deen, 2010; Evdokimov et al., 2011; Minerva et al., 2015; Vermesan & Friess, 2014; Yazdanifard & Al-Huda Edres, 2011).

Protection guidelines for applications and networks can be read and applied by the workers in charge of e-commerce sites. Client-side Trojan horse programs, on the other hand, represent the greatest threat to e-commerce since they will bypass or subvert the bulk of the authentication and authorization protocols used in an e-commerce transaction. The most convenient way to operate these applications on a remote computer is through email attachments. As E-commerce advances at a rapid rate, people's attention is attracted to security issues. One of the most critical facets of E-commerce development is transaction security. The security problems of Ecommerce operations necessitated a solution approach based on two factors: technology and framework, in order to improve the environment for E-commerce development and promote further progress. Travel and tourism have often necessitated heightened security and privacy.

However, it is undeniable that in the last two decades, protection and security considerations have become much more relevant in the tourism industry. The world has changed dramatically in the past two decades. Security has deteriorated dramatically as a result of violent attacks, local conflicts, environmental hazards, epidemics, and pandemics that we have seen. These incidents had a detrimental effect on the travel and tourism industries, which could not be avoided. Furthermore, some of these incidents demonstrated the tourism industry's weakness on both a national and regional scale. As a result, analysis and review of the relationship between security concerns and tourism is needed, as is the establishment of a modern, up-to-date description of the term security and protection in tourism. The tourism industry has realized the importance of researching protection and security issues. Tourism and hospitality science and education could discuss emerging issues of health and safety in tourism in order to educate future tourism practitioners by incorporating latest study results into university curricula. This may be achieved by either introducing additional subjects (such as risk assessment in tourism) or supplementing the quality of existing subjects with new security and safety skills (e.g. marketing, Consumer Relations, Tourism Destination Management). Is it ridiculous to believe that in the future, Safety Sells in Tourism could become a popular mantra in the travel and tourism industry. The Internet has rapidly become the primary commerce and networking medium for virtually every industry, large or small. (Ladan, 2010; Moftah, 2012; Rane & Meshram, 2012; Stergiou et al., 2018; Yoon et al., 2015).

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