Recent Trends in Biomedical Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities

Recent Trends in Biomedical Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1335-0.ch008
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Telemedicine is the use of immersive multimedia communication to transmit patient knowledge in order to conduct consultations, medical tests and operations, and medical professional partnerships from a distance. The fact that telemedicine is an “accessible and rapidly changing science” is often emphasized. The constant advancement of technology, which paves the way for the expansion of internet connections and the expansion of data processing capability, has increased the possibilities for the global health industry, especially telemedicine, to expand. Information exchange, data mining, the internet of things, wearables, digital computing, and robotics are all emerging as key drivers of creativity in the coming decade.
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2. Biomedical Image Processing

Most current methods are unique, and it seems that some modifications are required to utilize them in other situations. Some methods for organizing machine vision require a significant amount of computer power. The article focuses on methods to enhance the quality of pattern recognition. The suggested paper's relevance to the computer vision field is explained by the fact that computer vision may be integrated in vehicles, drones, and utilized to automate processes like road traffic and space monitoring. It is critical to offer accurate computer vision work since mistakes may result in fatalities and damages.

The authors claim that their goal is to develop efficient image processing techniques in order to prevent such outcomes. Segmentation and clustering are two terms that may be used to describe them. They do not, however, guarantee reliable findings in the event of visual information distortion or a high degree of noise. The reason for this is because these techniques need manual tweaking. The paper's authors attempted to create a clustering technique based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) that automatically selects parameters. This technique also incorporates the k-means clustering method, which calculates the minimum value of the distance function to arrange pixels into a predefined number of clusters. The particle group motion (pixel-by-pixel transit across the picture) and search for the optimum solution for the whole swarm (search for pixel with the highest average intensity value in a specific area) are utilized in comparison to the PSO.

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