Recent Trends in Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities

Recent Trends in Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities

Kannadhasan Suriyan, Kanagaraj Venusamy, R. Nagarajan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1131-8.ch012
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Using big data and algorithmic techniques, not all of the data gathered in this way is relevant for analysis or decision-making. To be more specific, the chapter addresses issues that arise during the fine tuning of large data sets, presenting open research questions that can aid in the processing of large data sets and the extraction of valuable information from them, as well as providing an overview of big data tools and techniques that can be used to address these issues. Healthcare, public administration, retail, and other multidisciplinary scientific inquiries are only few of the areas where boundaries might be blurred. Big data is mostly derived from social computing, internet text and document storage, and internet search indexing. Online communities, recommendation systems, reputation systems, and prediction markets are all examples of social computing. Internet search indexing includes ISI, IEEE Xplorer, Scopus, Thomson Reuters, etc.
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1. Introduction

Fast digital technology transitions provide the data source, resulting in an explosion of large amounts of data. Traditional database administration systems and data processing programs are unable to handle the enormous datasets generated by these devices. Petabytes and beyond are not uncommon for various types of data. Structured, unstructured, or semi-structured are all possible options. Such data are technically defined by the 3Vs (Volume, Velocity, and Variety). To put it another way: volume refers to an enormous amount of information that is being generated every day; velocity measures how quickly that information can be gathered and processed. There is a lot of variety in the types of data that may be found in a variety. V stands for truthfulness and refers to the fact that it is both accessible and accountable. For big data analysis, the primary goal is to process large amounts of data in a variety of traditional and non-traditional ways. Even though photos and video can be stored and displayed, they are not semantically annotated or searchable because they are not naturally in a structured format like tweets and blogs. converting this information into a logically organized format Any subsequent analysis will be extremely difficult to perform effectively. The next generation of information technology industries will be well-served by the strength of big data. There are a number of IT companies that relate to big data, cloud computing, the internet of things, and social media as a means of solving deliberate problems.

Despite the fact that data warehouses are used to manage datasets, obtaining knowledge data from the available big data is a time-consuming procedure. When dealing with extremely huge datasets, it is impossible to use data mining techniques. This lack of coordination between database systems and analysis tools like data mining and statistical analysis is a major issue in the study of large amounts of data. It's difficult to discover new information in these scenarios. It is imperative that data be presented in a way that can be used in real-world scenarios. In explaining the data revolution, there is a need to consider its epistemological implications (Kitchin, 2014). As a result, the research on complexity theory of big data will help us understand the key characteristics and development of complex patterns in big data, simplify its representation, gain better knowledge abstraction, and lead the design of computer models. There isn't a single field in which big data is associated. It is highly likely that 4G will not be able to meet the increasing demands of manufacturing and industrial automation technology in the age of M2M, IoT, Big Data, and Smart Factories. Based on cyber-physical manufacturing systems, “smart manufacturing” has become a global development trend (CPMS). Automation, collaboration, real-time monitoring, and smart linked control are all hallmarks of Industrial IoT (IIoT), which is one of the significant difficulties resulting from the CPSM trend's development. The use of advanced manufacturing technology has resulted in the creation of a vast volume of data. There is a barrier to CPMS advancement because current mobile technologies, including 3G and 4G, can't deliver on the high dependability, fast data transfer and low latency required by the CPMS standard. Innovation in diverse industrial processes is required to ensure efficiency and ongoing improvement in these markets. Automated robotics or warehouse transportation activities, for example, may necessitate improved data transferability from the system in the near future The standardization of 5G, which is currently underway, could be crucial in meeting these needs in the manufacturing sector (Del, 2014; Jin et al., 2015; Kakhani et al., 2015; Kitchin, 2014; Kuo et al., 2014). Manufacturers and telecommunications providers will be able to exploit cutting-edge technology and preserve their competitiveness and profitability with the 5G network. If stakeholders' aspirations for 5G are met, the future of many aspects of daily life would be drastically altered. It is now possible to develop Smart Factories and use new technologies like artificial intelligence, automation, the Internet of Things (IoT), or augmented reality to solve problems. M2M will also benefit from the 5G network. Extreme low latency is one of the most critical 5G needs, along with high availability and low data error probability (and response time). A good network security system, a high density of connections, and high bandwidth are also essential. Real-time control of manufacturing processes and the ability to maintain real-time connectivity across operating locations, if necessary, will be provided by the 5G network and has a large potential to boost IIoT and CPMS.

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