Recent Advances in the Utilisation of Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry

Recent Advances in the Utilisation of Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry

Moses Ojukwu, Chigozie Emmanuel Ofoedu, Chijioke M. Osuji, Ogbonnaya Okoro Aja
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0819-6.ch012
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Global population growth raises food security concerns. AI, like computer vision and ML, revolutionizes agriculture. It monitors crop health, predicts yields, and automates tasks. Mobile apps diagnose crop diseases swiftly, boosting productivity. AI-driven machine vision improves food processing by flaw identification and quality control. AI sorting enhances item classification, increasing productivity. In beer production, AI ensures fermentation quality. It optimizes distribution, predicts demand, and reduces waste. AI detects contaminants for food safety. Chatbots offer personalized recommendations. Data privacy and ethics matter, requiring explainable AI (XAI) and legal frameworks must be addressed despite these advancements. AI promises a secure, efficient, and sustainable food ecosystem.
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2. Artificial Intelligence In The Food Industry

AI is vital in the food industry, playing a key role in production, processing, quality control, and various aspects like manufacturing, packaging, and cleaning. The illustration in Figure 1 demonstrates how AI is beneficial in the food industry.

Figure 1.

The work of AI in the food industry


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