Real-World Applications of Explainable AI in Healthcare

Real-World Applications of Explainable AI in Healthcare

Yash Mahajan, Muskan Sharma, Inderjeet Singh
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1874-4.ch011
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This chapter delves into the profound impact of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) on the healthcare sector, emphasizing its pivotal role in elevating diagnostics, treatment modalities, and ultimately, patient outcomes. The integration of artificial intelligence into healthcare has brought about a revolutionary shift, promising unparalleled improvements in patient care and insights gleaned from extensive datasets. A core theme explores XAI as the remedy to demystify intricate decision-making processes inherent in AI algorithms, especially the traditionally opaque deep learning neural networks. The narrative unfolds as a journey showcasing practical applications of XAI in healthcare, illuminating its capacity to equip healthcare professionals with actionable insights, instill trust, and effectively address ethical concerns.
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2. The Role Of Explainable Ai In Healthcare

2.1. Enhancing Diagnosis and Treatment

Explainable AI is remolding the healthcare system by significantly enhancing both diagnostic and therapeutic accuracy. Explainable AI when applied to medical data can improve healthcare practitioners 'decisions by providing transparent insights into complex information. These systems can look at large data sets, such as medical records, genetic material, and imaging scans that meet the needs of patients. Then they will find relevant trends or factors affecting a person's health. In addition to speeding up the process, this also reduces the possibility of a false positive. XAI in health care is highlighted in Figure 1. Explainable AI, on the other hand, can consider a patient's previous medical history and genetic background as well as their reaction to treatment to tailor individualized therapies (Lehmann et al., 2024). Such personal consideration for patients may ultimately mean more successful health care. Eventually, explainable artificial intelligence not only increases the quality of healthcare delivery but also fosters confidence and acceptance among regulators, patients, and clinicians by enhancing treatment accuracy.

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