Real-Time Study and Analysis of Brain Fiber Using 3D-Printed Tractography

Real-Time Study and Analysis of Brain Fiber Using 3D-Printed Tractography

V. S. Ramya Lakshmi, N. R. Raajan, Natarajan Prabaharan, K. Hariharan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8306-0.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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With the overwhelming success of three-dimensional (3D) modeling technology of patient anatomy, surgeons are able to intuitively understand the most complex morphologies. In this work, the tractography model is constructed by focusing on the sub-voxel asymmetry and fiber consistency to enhance cortical tractography with strongly bent axonal trajectories which help to identify the fiber track by using the diffusion tensor imagining (DTI) method. The DTI algorithm is compared with the other tracking algorithms and the track parameters for different patients are compared. It is proven that the DTI method provides higher accuracy of 96.76% in tracking the cross fibers. The Y-axis dispersion for the different regions of interest from the tract center is measured. The tract amplitudes at this separation are decreased by 75% from the peak value. The 3D model is printed using an ultimate 3D printing machine at a diameter of about 0.025 mm at a low cost with high accuracy.
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Data Acquisition And Preparation

Data Stimulation

For the non-DWI, the SNR is approximated in the ratio of 40:2 to simulate diffusion data for a simulated pulse series comparable to the required in vivo sequence with a Camino data synth. A Twice-Refocused Spin-Echo (TRSE) series of b-value = 0 to 2,590 s/mm2 was used for the simulated pulse sequence. In the same sequence, a non-diffusion weighted images was acquired for each b-value with the condition that none of the value is zero and this is used as a motion correction guide. The timing parameters were: δ1 = 9 ms, δ2 = 23 ms, and s = 6 ms for the diffusion gradients. For comparability, a EPI pulse series using the same b-values was used to take DW images using a diffusion gradient of δ1= 33.2 ms and δ2= 39.8 ms. Due to the signal-to-noise constraint, no parallel imaging approach was used. This constrain is affected only with the high b-value. Other key parameters for acquiring: TR/TE = 5,000/125ms, FOV = 25 cm, image matrix = 128 = 128 to 128, slice size =2e3m and its distance between each slice is 2e3m, Number of excitations = 5, scans time = 90 sec for both two sequences. Four stable data sets of volunteers were gathered to validate the accuracy and reproductive.

MRI Data Acquisition

Subjects were scanned at the Thanjavur Medical College, Radiology department. A 3T MRI (Siemens, Germany) as scanned for fifty safe data; six subjects were scanned on MAGNETOM Prisma. For the next group studies were contrasted one by one and assured that these adjustments of the magnet have little effect on group comparisons XR 80/200 coil, the parallel TimTx true form transmission and 4G architecture. Images were obtained with certain parameters using the DTI sequence.


For each subject, the initial pre-processing data is included radiological alignment, displacement correction and eddy correction, and elimination of non-cerebrum tissue. To identify the impact due to motion in the tract location, the parameter for motion correction is used in the subsequent steps. Drift was used to equip local diffusion tensors and to construct a 3D FA model of similar matrix size and resolution to the initial diffusion images. In native region of each subject, the bedpost was running on pre-processed DTI data to produce diffusion parameters on each voxel. The FA maps were inserted in standard spaces using serial affine or not-linear methods. All cerebrum registrations were checked for high quality. In subsequent steps, the corresponding whole-cerebrum activation matrix was used to record the tractography of subjects residing in a specific space. For subsequent tractography, the inverse of the corresponding matrix was used to record ROI. This is considered as a basic procedure for extension of all FA images and tracts and it was the first move towards improving registration (Waugh et al., 2019).


Material And Methods

A harmonization approach that can be extended directly to DWI and shows its effectiveness in diffusion scalars and tractography while minimizing inter-site variance (Huynh et al., 2019). The first stage in tractography is to fit the perturbation technique toward each voxel in the image, and the second step is to map the fibre across the voxels. The simplest method is to utilise a standard tensor prototype, which necessitates at least six DWIs plus one baseline image known as a non-diffusion-weighted image to identify the six unknown tensor parameters. The prevailing local fiber path is then measured at each voxel as a predictive vector with the tensor’s greatest independent value. By using the Fiber Assignment by Continuous Tracking (FACT), the fibers are traced across the voxel. The image is built by the diffusion tensors’ principal eigenvectors.

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