Real-Time Monitoring in Eating Disorders via Social Media: Smart Technologies for Improved Wellbeing

Real-Time Monitoring in Eating Disorders via Social Media: Smart Technologies for Improved Wellbeing

Aarti Dangwal, Tanuja Sahni, Mohit Kukreti, Vishal Jain, Ruhi Sarangal
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3230-6.ch012
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This study explores the intricate relationship between contemporary challenges, specifically eating disorders, and the impact of technology and social media on overall well-being. It centers on the application of smart wearable technology for monitoring mental and physical well-being to address health issues effectively. It emphasizes the crucial role of social media in shaping the overall customer experience, underscoring the significance of Social Media Optimization (SMO) and proactive customer engagement strategies to foster a positive digital presence and build lasting customer loyalty. The study highlights the transformative influence of immersive technologies on customer engagement (CE), offering personalized experiences that seamlessly blend physical and digital realms. These technologies not only bolster sales performance and streamline decision-making but also cultivate psychological engagement, providing a holistic understanding of products or services.
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