Reaching Them Where They Live: Effectively Utilizing the Social Media Literacy of C-Borgs in Higher Education and Beyond

Reaching Them Where They Live: Effectively Utilizing the Social Media Literacy of C-Borgs in Higher Education and Beyond

Danielle Lawson
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5174-6.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter addresses the interconnected nature of social media use in higher education and business, exploring how educators and employers should use the social media literacy of “C-borgs” as a means of not just communicating with them, but allowing them to do what they do best – consume, create, collaborate, and connect with content. The chapter presents key issues educators and employers face when working to effectively harness the social media literacy of C-borgs, including: how their social media use differs according to their “mode” (work/personal/educational), how to strategically incorporate the C-borg’s social media use into educational and business contexts, and how to utilize the C-borg’s natural inclination toward a connected, content-centric lifestyle to facilitate educational and corporate engagement. The chapter concludes by discussing several key social media strategies educators and employers can use for harnessing the creative, collaborative, and communicative power of C-borgs.
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C-Borgs And Social Media

One of the key problems inherent in any discussion of social media in higher education and the workplace at the moment is one of semantics. Many different terms are used in mass media, marketing and scholarly work to describe technologically savvy young people and the Internet-based applications that they use. Social media. Social networking. Net generation. Generation Y. Millenials. Digital Natives. Web 2.0. The list goes on and on. The array of terms used in and of itself is not the problem, however the fact that some of them are used as if they are synonymous is a problem, as they are not interchangeable. This section addresses the key terms that underpin the rest of the chapter – C-borgs and social media.

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