Rapid Learning in the Teaching of Physical Education and Sport

Rapid Learning in the Teaching of Physical Education and Sport

Gaadi Amina, Souiet Maati, Chakli Abdelhak, Sefri Youssef, Chafiq Nadia
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1034-2.ch011
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Integration of information and communication technologies in education has become a significant phenomenon that provides educators with the resources they need to improve teaching and learning processes. When used on a regular basis, ICTE promotes program objectives and increases student engagement in learning. This can lead to learning experiences that are rapid, interactive, and impactful. Furthermore, the usage of ICTE increases student motivation and simplifies the teaching process. In recent years, there has been considerable growth in the use of tools designed to promote quick learning in many different kinds of countries. These innovative methods aim to simplify the teaching and learning process by speeding up acquisition and decreasing time spent on traditional explanations. Teachers are invited to use these tools to improve the effectiveness of their instruction.
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Today's generation of teenagers and young adults is very attached to social networks, video games, and digital technologies, and these have grown steadily to become essential tools in classrooms in many parts of the world. The case of European countries, which have declared that the integration of information and communication technologies is becoming a primary objective in their education systems. Morocco in turn, like all developing countries, has understood the importance of integrating and using ICT in its education system and has long been committed to projects promoting the integration and widespread use of ICTE in its education system. To this end, numerous reforms have been carried out over the last two decades, thanks to the implementation of multiple digital strategies designed to energize and revolutionize the world of teaching and learning. However, ICTE requires frequent and regular use by teachers and students to maximize the benefits of these technologies and ensure rapid, interactive, and meaningful learning. (Dias, 1999) asserts that technologies are integrated when used on an ongoing basis to support and further program objectives and stimulate student engagement in learning. Furthermore, the use of ICTE in the pedagogical context enhances learner motivation and facilitates the teaching and learning process (Klein, 2013). Today, the exploitation of tools that promote rapid learning for teaching and learning has seen a flagrant boom in several countries, as an innovative method with the aim of accelerating, catalyzing, and facilitating acquisition and learning without wasting time in conventional explanations, which consume a lot of session time. It is therefore very interesting for teachers to exploit these tools to simplify the teaching and learning process, promote educational success and enhance professional practice.

During training at the regional center for education and training professions (CRMEF) Casablanca. We noticed that future physical education and sports teachers need tools that will help them manage the time devoted to the session, given that the nature of the subject is virtually practical and is based on the performance of physical and sports activities (PSAs) whose learners know nothing about either their rules or their phases of execution, which requires a great effort on the part of the teachers to explain the principles of action and the rules of play of PSAs, Hence the need to use efficient tools to catalyze and accelerate the teaching and learning process.

Definition of Rapid Learning

Rapid Learning is a method that has become fashionable in recent years in the educational world. It is essentially aimed at transmitting and acquiring knowledge in a short, rapid way. It is characterized by the very short duration of the modules, from 1 to 6 minutes. Its content is structured into short units of meaning, designed to anchor it firmly in the memory. Rapid Learning can be used to transform Powerpoint-formatted training materials into training courses enriched with sound, video, web links, or quizzes. And with learners looking for faster, simpler access to learning resources, this is the perfect opportunity to make use of this technological tool. Rapid Learning support is developing rapidly, as the name suggests. It enables training managers to react quickly to requests from operational staff. Using the material used in face-to-face training or virtual classrooms is also a way of getting trainers accustomed to digitizing their content. A major advantage of Rapid Learning is the simplicity of the tools used. This gives training managers and their teams the autonomy to adapt and update digitized content. Several configurations are possible. The training department can autonomously use one of the dedicated software solutions already present in the company. It can also integrate a software solution and train teaching teams in its use. The simplicity of the tools does not mean that the approach does not require in-house design and graphics resources. That's why it's also possible to entrust the creation and updating of your materials to a service provider. (Alicia.K, 2017)

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