Quantum Computing: Unveiling the Paradigm Shift and Diverse Applications

Quantum Computing: Unveiling the Paradigm Shift and Diverse Applications

R. Siva Subramanian, B. Maheswari, T. Nithya, P. Girija, M. Karthikeyan, T. Saraswathi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1168-4.ch006
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Quantum computing overcomes computer limitations using quantum mechanics. This overview covers quantum computing's basics, technology, architecture, and industrial applications. The introduction reveals quantum computing's unique history and powerful development characteristics. Fundamentals like quantum gates, superposition, entanglement, Shor's and Grover's algorithms, and more, are covered. Quantum computing concepts describe quantum mechanics, parallelism, and error correction to optimize its potential. Qubit, quantum processor, Qiskit, and Cirq quantum software frameworks are being studied. Quantum computing's issues are thoroughly and impartially assessed in this work. This chapter evaluates quantum computing trends and research paths for future developments. These include the goal of quantum supremacy and the impact of quantum computing on technology. The survey study helps academics, professionals, and industry decision-makers utilize quantum computing to tackle challenging issues and innovate in a quantum-driven world.
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1. Introduction

Utilizing the concepts of quantum mechanics to get beyond the limits of conventional computing, quantum computing offers a revolutionary paradigm in the field of computation. A cutting-edge computing paradigm known as quantum computing uses the ideas of quantum mechanics to process data in ways that are radically different from those of conventional computers (Herman et al., 2022). Quantum bits, also known as qubits, are the basic building blocks of quantum computing that may exist in numerous states at once owing to a phenomena called superposition. Quantum computers can execute certain sorts of computations tenfold quicker than conventional computers because to this special characteristic (Rietsche et al., 2022).

Richard Feynman, a physicist, first proposed the idea of quantum computing as an effective way to model quantum systems in the early 1980s. David Deutsch developed the idea of a quantum universal Turing computer a few years later, establishing the foundation for quantum computing. When Peter Shor developed the well-known Shor's algorithm in the 1990s (Ahnefeld et al., 2022), it marked a key turning point by proving that quantum computers could factor big numbers exponentially faster than traditional machines.

Grover's method, created at the same time by Lov Grover, demonstrated the possibility of quantum speedup in search tasks. With the advent of several quantum hardware platforms, research and development in quantum computing accelerated in the early 2000s. Superconducting qubit research was started by firms including IBM, Google, and Rigetti, while others looked at trapped ions and photon-based qubits. These initiatives represented a big step forward in the development of quantum computers that can handle more difficult computations. 2019 saw one of the pivotal events in the history of quantum computing when Google said it had achieved “quantum supremacy.” Their quantum processor, Sycamore, demonstrated the potential for real-world quantum advantage by completing a particular task quicker than the most sophisticated conventional supercomputers (Khang & Quantum, 2023).

Though still in its infancy, quantum computing faces significant difficulties such qubit stability, error correction, and scalability. Researchers are always investigating fresh strategies for creating more reliable and potent quantum computers. These innovations spurred scientists all around the globe to start working on building usable quantum computers. Different quantum computing techniques have developed throughout time, each with its own benefits and difficulties, such as superconducting qubits, trapped ions, and topological qubits (Khang & Kali, 2023).

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