Quantum Computing Smart Grids: A Review on Internet of Things-Enabled Technologies in Smart Grids

Quantum Computing Smart Grids: A Review on Internet of Things-Enabled Technologies in Smart Grids

Rashmi Sharma, Zalak Patel, Miloni Ganatra
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1168-4.ch013
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Throughout the past few decades, the electricity system's condition has evolved. The power grid has recently experienced a number of difficulties and problems. With power outages, grid failures, and a lack of smart technology on the one hand, and rising security risks on the other, there is a daily rise in the demand for electrical energy. These problems cannot be solved by the current electricity grid. Because of its key characteristics, the internet of things (IoT) has expanded quickly in a very short period of time. We can improve the conventional grid's efficiency, capacity, dependability, sustainability, scalability, and stability by integrating IoT into the electrical grid. The myriad issues that are present in smart grids are solved by using the IoT. Security concerns have been recognized as one of the main drawbacks with IoT enabled smart grid (SG) systems, according to the most recent research. The numerous security applications and elements of integrating the IoT with smart grids are reviewed in this chapter, along with various frameworks in the era of quantum computing.
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1. Introduction

The majority of power plants in the world today produce electricity primarily using fossil fuels. Yet, these fossil fuel supplies are being exhausted and are anticipated to exhaust themselves soon. Alternative approaches must be used to guarantee the availability of the electrical energy required for human survival. The use of a smart grid is one such remedy, which overcomes the drawbacks of conventional grids by easing not only the transfer of electricity but also tracking and managing energy consumption. Power grids have often evolved over the course of electricity's development. Despite the electrical grid's robust design, new technologies have appeared. Modern communication and information technologies (ICTs) have the potential to significantly increase the electrical grid's dependability, stability, and efficiency while also meeting a variety of customer needs (Khang & Quantum, 2023).

A noteworthy trend is the growth of domestic energy production as well as sources of clean energy like wind and solar energy. These energy sources, as opposed to the conventional power grid, require less centralized infrastructure and, over time, can produce more predictable outputs. The reliability of the electric power grid is directly impacted by these shifting requirements, necessitating the employment of sophisticated ICTs for intensive monitoring and control. The current power infrastructure has evolved into what is commonly known as the smart grid, a digitally-based and interconnected system. Unlike earlier centralized power systems, the smart grid enables the bidirectional exchange of energy between service providers and users. This transformation has been driven by a confluence of factors, including increased power demands, the proliferation of smart devices, the imperative for stronger safety measures, and the ever-growing need for enhanced dependability and efficiency (Parvin et al., 2022).

Moreover, a promising development in this context is the integration of quantum computing into the smart grid infrastructure. Quantum computing, with its unparalleled computational capabilities, offers the potential to revolutionize the way we manage, optimize, and secure the smart grid. It can facilitate advanced simulations and real-time decision-making, enabling the grid to adapt swiftly to dynamic energy supply and demand patterns. Additionally, quantum computing can play a crucial role in enhancing the security of the smart grid by providing quantum-resistant encryption techniques, thereby safeguarding critical data and communications. As we move towards a more decentralized and environmentally sustainable energy landscape, the fusion of quantum computing with the smart grid represents a cutting-edge solution that addresses the complexities of modern energy systems while ensuring reliability, resilience, and heightened security (Shyam &Khang et al., 2023).

The smart grid uses the Internet of Things, or IoT, to handle communication, automation, and monitoring concerns. It includes a variety of grid monitoring and control devices. Smart meters, actuators, and other IoT devices are key components of the smart grid architecture. The smart grid can avoid and minimize damage during natural catastrophes, minimize economic losses, and improve the dependability of power transmission by utilizing IoT technologies. Three key processes are commonly involved in IoT implementation in the power sector: digitalizing assets, gathering asset data, and creating computational algorithms for control systems. Telecommunication infrastructures must assure quality of service (QoS), be compliant with industrial protocols, and adhere to strict security standards in order for the smart grid to function effectively.

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