Quantum Computing Significance on Multidimensional Data: R-Tree Search Based on Grover's Search Algorithm

Quantum Computing Significance on Multidimensional Data: R-Tree Search Based on Grover's Search Algorithm

T. Hema, Micheal Olaolu Arowolo
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6697-1.ch012
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Quantum computing is an emerging field of study and gains importance due to the fact that with the introduction of quantum computers, many challenges and changes are presented for the existing algorithms. The main reason for this is the exponential speed of such computers. This study analyzes some of the benefits and implications of quantum computing on geometrical problems such as the multidimensional search for window queries with R-Trees. A review of the window query on R-Trees in classical computing is done to consider its adaptability to quantum computers by applying the Grover's quantum search algorithm from a theoretical point of view. Thereby, the query time complexity in worst-case scenarios could be improved to quadratic search time.
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Data structures play a key role in data storage and retrieval. In the field of computer graphics, multimedia databases, information retrieval, etc., it is required to store multidimensional data objects in which case multidimensional data structures play a key role. One such data structure based on B-Tree is the R-Tree (A.Guttman, 1984). The R-tree algorithm is a bulk loading algorithm and nodes correspond to disk pages. The worst-case search time of R-trees and its variants when many nodes are visited at a given level increases as the data size increases for classical computers. Quantum computing has been gaining importance in various fields, especially in cryptography where Shor’s algorithm (Shor, P. W., 1994) could break the well-known RSA algorithm that is considered secure when run on a classical computer but quantum computers break the cryptographic codes by factoring. Hence a lot of research is ongoing to overcome the challenges to many such existing algorithms due to the emergence of quantum computing. The key reason is the speedup of quantum computers. The role of quantum computing in Computational geometry (Sadakane, K., et al.,2002) on geometric algorithms for convex hulls, minimum enclosing balls, linear programming, and intersection problem based on Grover’s algorithm substantiates the evolving research on quantum computing in various domains.

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