Quantum-Based Robotics in the High-Tech Healthcare Industry: Innovations and Applications

Quantum-Based Robotics in the High-Tech Healthcare Industry: Innovations and Applications

Alex Khang, Kali Charan Rath, P. T. N. Anh, Sunil Kumar Rath, Srijan Bhattacharya
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2105-8.ch001
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This chapter explores the emerging field of quantum robotics and its innovative applications in the healthcare or medical ecosystem. Quantum robotics combines the principles of quantum mechanics and robotics to enable advanced medical technologies and improve patient care. The chapter provides an overview of the fundamental concepts of quantum robotics, including quantum computing, sensing, and communication and discusses their potential impact on healthcare. Various applications of quantum robotics in healthcare are presented, including medical imaging, drug discovery, surgical robotics, and personalized medicine. The chapter also addresses the challenges and future directions in the field, highlighting the need for interdisciplinary collaborations and advancements in quantum technologies. Overall, this chapter sheds light on the promising role of quantum robotics in revolutionizing healthcare and fostering advancements in medical science.
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1. Introduction

In recent years, the convergence of quantum mechanics and robotics has given rise to an exciting and nascent field known as quantum robotics. This amalgamation holds immense promise, particularly within the realm of healthcare, where the quest for cutting-edge technologies to enhance medical practices (Akpan et al., 2021; Mitsea et al., 2022) and elevate patient well-being is unending. This chapter embarks on an exploration of this groundbreaking arena, delving into the profound synergy between quantum mechanics and robotics and its transformative implications for healthcare (Doebbeling & Flanagan, 2011; Khan et al., 2018).

Quantum robotics (Petschnigg et al., 2019; Khoshnoud et al., 2020), at its core, intertwines the foundational principles of quantum mechanics with the domain of robotics, orchestrating a harmonious dance between these two scientific disciplines. At the heart of this convergence lies the revolutionary realm of quantum computing, a paradigm-shifting computational framework that harnesses the astonishing behaviors exhibited by quantum bits, or qubits. Unlike classical bits, qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to a phenomenon known as superposition, thereby enabling the performance of complex computations at speeds previously thought unattainable.

Sensing and communication, pivotal facets of robotics, also undergo a paradigm shift in the quantum realm. Quantum sensors, leveraging principles such as quantum entanglement and quantum metrology, exhibit unprecedented levels of precision, capable of detecting minute changes in physical quantities with extraordinary accuracy. Moreover, quantum communication (Cozzolino et al., 2019), underpinned by the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, promises ultra-secure transmission of information, immune to eavesdropping due to the unique properties of entangled quantum states.

The confluence of these quantum-infused capabilities with the domain of healthcare holds transformative potential. This chapter comprehensively elucidates the transformative applications of quantum robotics in healthcare, spanning a diverse array of domains. From revolutionizing medical imaging techniques through quantum-enhanced sensors that can detect anomalies at the quantum level, to expediting the process of drug discovery through accelerated quantum simulations, the implications are profound (Khang & Quantum, 2023).

Surgical robotics (Jung et al., 2015; Qiu et al., 2023), another critical area of healthcare, stands to gain immensely from quantum robotics. The precision and adaptability afforded by quantum sensors and computing can revolutionize minimally invasive procedures, enhancing surgical accuracy and patient outcomes. Moreover, the notion of personalized medicine takes on a new dimension, as quantum computing's computational prowess can rapidly analyze vast datasets to tailor treatments to individual patients, ushering in an era of bespoke healthcare solutions (Khang & Kali, 2023).

Yet, amid these prospects lie challenges that demand careful consideration. The nascent nature of quantum robotics necessitates interdisciplinary collaboration, with experts in quantum physics and robotics coalescing to navigate uncharted waters. Moreover, advancements in quantum technologies are imperative to realize the full potential of quantum robotics in healthcare (Khang & Medicine, 2023).

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