Quality Practices for Managing Software Development in Information System

Quality Practices for Managing Software Development in Information System

Syeda Umema Hani
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3679-8.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Information Systems are developed and acquired in business organization in order to achieve the competitive advantage. A good quality information system plays vital role in providing good product and service value to its customers. This study intends to discuss suitable quality practices which could not only support development of a good quality software product but also linked up well with the strategic needs of the organizational business. It first presents what industry recommends for quality practices of software development. Then a framework has been presented that links Information System’s development process improvement with strategic needs of an organization. It also demonstrates development of a primarily process improvement activity i.e. “process improvement plan” depicting how business goals leads to an adaptation of process framework like Capability Maturity Model for Development (CMMI-DEV) while using multi-model PI approach and the benefits achieved with its adaptation targeting development of a Quality Information System.
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Information Technology and an Information System

Information technology (IT) is a combination of computer technology including both hardware and software along with communication technology i.e. data and networks. IT is used to build an Information System (IS).

Definition: A collection of elements like people, data, processes, communications, and information technology works together to support business operations by solving problems and helps management and users in making decisions.

Types of IS and Roles in Decision Making

Day to day business operations in and organization generates data that an IS processes in to strategic or tactical information that helps the management in effective decision making. Its biggest advantage is that Information can flow up in the MIS information pyramid faster and more effectively.

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