Qualitative Analysis of Semantically Enabled Knowledge Management Systems in Agile Software Engineering

Qualitative Analysis of Semantically Enabled Knowledge Management Systems in Agile Software Engineering

Jörg Rech, Christian Bogner
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0035-5.ch008
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In many agile software engineering organizations there is not enough time to follow knowledge management processes, to retrieve knowledge in complex processes, or to systematically elicit knowledge. This chapter gives an overview about the human-centered design of semantically-enabled knowledge management systems based on Wikis used in agile software engineering environments. The methodology – developed in the RISE (Reuse in Software Engineering) project – enables and supports the design of human-centered knowledge sharing platforms, such as Wikis. Furthermore, the paper specifies requirements one should keep in mind when building human-centered systems to support knowledge management. A two-phase qualitative analysis showed that the knowledge management system acts as a flexible and customizable view on the information needed during working-time which strongly relieves software engineers from time-consuming retrieval activities. Furthermore, the observations gave some hints about how the software system supports the collection of vital working experiences and how it could be subsequently formed and refined.
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In order to support the reuse of software engineering products such as requirement documents, we build the semantically enabled knowledge management system Riki (Reuse-oriented Wiki). The Riki was targeted towards ease of use and improved the acceptance by the users (Höcht & Rech, 2006). The methodology and technology developed make it possible to share knowledge in the form of software artifacts, experiences, or best practices based on pedagogic approaches.

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