Public Perception of Awareness and Adaptation of Cryptocurrency in Brunei Darussalam

Public Perception of Awareness and Adaptation of Cryptocurrency in Brunei Darussalam

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5691-0.ch001
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Cryptocurrency has been around since 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto issued a white paper. Satoshi also claimed to be the creator and developer of Bitcoin, the first type of cryptocurrency. This research looks at Bruneians' understanding of Crypto-currencies, their perceptions, and their awareness and acceptance of cryptocurrency in Brunei Darussalam. This research used questionnaires as a method of gathering data. Who would have thought that cryptocurrency was known to almost all levels of age, it did not only focus on higher education respondents, and that the fact it was male-dominated? Cryptocurrency in Brunei is not widespread yet. The awareness of cryptocurrency in Brunei is deficient because information is inadequate. Bitcoin is yet to be the most well-known cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is seen as an asset instead of currency by the general public. Information primarily obtained is mainly from social media, family, friends, word of mouth, and press releases from AMBD.
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Research Design

This paper will use the quantitative method to address the critical research goals and combine primary and secondary sources. The first part consisted of a series of structured public questionnaires with knowledge of cryptocurrency and pieces of literature on research papers related to cryptocurrency.

Study Area

Population refers to a complete set of individuals with a common characteristic that researchers are interested in. Researchers choose the study area via random sampling. Researchers collected data from the middle of May until the middle of June 2020.

Data Sources

The researcher collected primary data sources via questionnaires in English and Malay, distributed to 100 to 150 people. Preliminary data were more reliable and had a more confident level of decision-making as they directly interacted with the occurrence of an event. Researchers collected secondary data from the literature, journals, different articles, books, newspapers, newsletters, press releases, websites, blogs, and other sources related to adaptation and awareness of cryptocurrency.

Population and Sample Size

The study population were Bruneians who know cryptocurrency and its adaptation in Brunei Darussalam. About 125 respondents participated in answering the questionnaire.

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